Clearview AI’s source code was exposed by a security lapse


The leak also revealed Clearview’s prototype “Insight” camera that has since been discontinued. As TechCrunch showed in a video, SpiderSilk reportedly found 70,000 videos in one storage bucket that were taken from an Insight camera installed in a residential building in Manhattan. The company said it “collected some raw video strictly for debugging purposes, with the permission of the building management.”

Clearview’s facial recognition AI that can identify a person using data from Facebook, Instagram and other public-facing internet services. It obtains this data by “scraping” billions of photos from social media sites and elsewhere. The company markets its service to law-enforcement agencies and other businesses, which can use it to identify a person simply by uploading their photo. Clearview was breached earlier when a list of businesses using its services was leaked.

Clearview CEO Hoan Ton-That has defended the company’s practices, saying that it should be allowed to store any publicly-available information, just as Google and others do. However, the company has shown that it not only exposes the public to privacy violations, it can’t even protect its own data.


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