The first ‘AI Eurovision’ song contest winner was trained on koalas


Other tunes are, shall we say, less than comforting. The song from runner-up Germany, Dadabots x Portrait XO’s “I’ll Marry You, Punk Come,” is about as disturbing as you’d expect from an AI trained on acapellas, death metal and a fake news generator — “extinction is the only way” isn’t exactly the feel-good lyric of the year. The Netherlands’ entry, Abbus’ “Can AI Kick it,” called for revolution. And last-place Switzerland’s team New Piano’s “Painful Words,” which relied the most on pure AI, lives up to its name with an atonal mish-mash of dialogue.

None of these tunes are likely to climb the charts any time soon, and it won’t be surprising if the AI Song Contest loses prominence if and when the flesh-and-blood Eurovision returns in 2021. Still, this is a good look at the current state of AI music generation. And look at it this way: at least here you know the outcome wasn’t skewed by political and cultural rivalries.


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