Category: 2016 election

HBO’s ‘Kill Chain’ doc highlights the flaws in US election machines

[ad_1] While the matter is of grave concern across the country, Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections delves into problems with some specific machines and issues in certain states. For instance, back in 2005, security researcher Harri Hursti (a key figure in the film) demonstrated a memory card exploit that could alter votes […]

Senate: Obama Admin. wasn’t prepared to handle Russian interference

[ad_1] Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) said the Obama administration “struggled to determine the appropriate response” and “debated courses of action without truly taking one.” The administration worried about alarming the American people and that a statement could be perceived as political, given that then-President Obama was actively campaigning for Hillary Clinton. “There were many […]

Intelligence Committee releases heavily redacted report on 2016 election hacking

[ad_1] Today the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released Vol. 1 of its report (PDF) on Russian attempts at election hacking in 2016. However, much of the information in it has already been released — like knowledge that hacking attempts reached all 50 states in one form or another — or is blacked out. […]