Category: adobe creative cloud

Educators can temporarily give Creative Cloud access to distance learners

[ad_1] Adobe hopes that allowing for easier access to its apps will help keep K-12 and college students on track despite the lack of access to on-campus computer labs. IT admins have to fill out a form, which Adobe will evaluate. The admins can then grant access by uploading spreadsheets of approved users to their […]

Adobe will add livestreaming to apps so designers can share their skills

[ad_1] The streaming function seems simple enough; users just hit a button to start broadcasting and receive a link they can share with anyone who wants to watch them work. Viewers can also comment and ask questions. The ability to watch a Creative Cloud expert at work could be helpful for a variety of use […]

Adobe brings its enormous font library to iPhone and iPad

[ad_1] Developers can enable these typefaces in third-party apps by using Adobe’s custom API called Fonts. In other words, not all apps on your device will be able to use the typefaces; compatibility has to be specifically added as a feature. Of course, any Adobe app is going to work with the API. Users can […]

Adobe Premiere Pro can automatically reframe your videos

[ad_1] If you were around during the VHS era, you may already be familiar with the process of changing aspect ratios. “Pan and scan” editing was used to convert 16:9 theatrical movie prints into 4:3 home videos. Editors had to move the footage frame by frame to make sure all relevant visuals stayed on-screen. Today, […]

Adobe’s upcoming iPad painting app is called Adobe Fresco

[ad_1] “Adobe scientists have studied the chemistry of common real-world pigments like cobalt and ochre. They’ve looked at the physics of how watercolors are absorbed into thick, cotton-based paper. And they’ve examined the ways that a thick slash of oil paint dries to add dimension to a painting,” wrote Scott Belsky, Creative Cloud executive vice […]