Category: ads

Google reportedly plans to ban post-election day political ads

[ad_1] Google will not run any election-related ads after polls for the US presidential election close on November 3rd, according to Axios. In an email obtained by the publication, the search giant warns advertisers they won’t be able to run ads “referencing candidates, the election or its outcome, given that an unprecedented amount of votes […]

Facebook will block ads claiming victory ahead of official results

[ad_1] Contrary to previous reports, a Facebook rep has confirmed that the social media site will not, in fact, allow ads claiming victory for either the Trump or Biden campaigns to run on election night. In a September 3rd blog post, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg laid out a new policy banning political ads from being run […]

TikTok bans ads for fasting apps and weight loss supplements

[ad_1] “As a society, weight stigma and body shaming pose both individual and cultural challenges, and we know that the internet, if left unchecked, has the risk of exacerbating such issues,” the company said. “That’s why we’re focused on working to safeguard our community from harmful content and behavior while supporting an inclusive — and […]

EA pulls ads from ‘UFC 4’ replays after widespread complaints

[ad_1] Critics complained not just that they were seeing ads in a paid game, but that the timing was dishonest. The ads appeared roughly two weeks after UFC 4’s launch, or well after initial reviews. If you were an early adopter, you wouldn’t have realized you were in store for a marketing blitz. While advertisers […]

Facebook will label ads from politically connected publications

[ad_1] The social media giant plans to impose other restrictions as well. The company says it won’t include their content in Facebook News. They also won’t have access to the Messenger Business Platform and WhatsApp business API.  “… we believe it’s important to ensure when it comes to advertising, these Pages are held to the […]

Google starts testing its replacement for third-party cookies

[ad_1] Google has taken one step closer to banishing third-party cookies from Chrome. The internet giant has started testing its trust tokens with developers, with promises that more would move to live tests “soon.” As before, the company hoped to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome once it could meet the needs of both users […]

Starbucks pauses all social media ads over hate speech concerns

[ad_1] However long the pause lasts, Starbucks is adding to a list of major brands pulling their ads (largely from Facebook) to press for change, including Coca-Cola, Honda, Hershey and Engadget’s parent company Verizon. Facebook said it wouldn’t make policy changes in response to financial pressure, but nonetheless said it would label politicians’ posts when […]

Spotify is testing in-app ads on podcast episode pages

[ad_1] Spotify Of course, there are pros and cons to this. For listeners, there will be clear ads inside the Spotify app beyond just audio. The company says in-app offers are still in testing, but they’re in the alpha phase in the US with ads for Harry’s on Last Podcast on the Left and in […]

The North Face pulls Facebook ads over hate and misinformation policies

[ad_1] Criticism of Facebook’s approaches to hate speech and misinformation may hit the social network where it hurts the most: its finances. CNN reports that clothing brand The North Face has become the most recognizable company yet to join an advocacy group-backed ad boycott of Facebook, pulling all its ads from both Facebook itself as […]

Facebook finally delivers on its promise to label ‘state-controlled’ media

[ad_1] Facebook also plans to label ads from state-controlled media outlets. In the US, Facebook will block such ads altogether “out of an “abundance of caution” — even though it admits they rarely appear. That’s part of an attempt to protect elections in 2020 from foreign influence, Facebook says. Facebook claims it worked with more […]