Category: Advertising

Advertisers are running from Facebook. What’s next?

[ad_1] At this point, the question isn’t how big the advertising boycott will get, but what will it actually accomplish. So far, it’s not exactly clear. While the boycott has already succeeded in wiping away $56 billion from Facebook’s market value (and making Zuckerberg $7.2 billion poorer), we don’t really know how much money Facebook […]

Starbucks pauses all social media ads over hate speech concerns

[ad_1] However long the pause lasts, Starbucks is adding to a list of major brands pulling their ads (largely from Facebook) to press for change, including Coca-Cola, Honda, Hershey and Engadget’s parent company Verizon. Facebook said it wouldn’t make policy changes in response to financial pressure, but nonetheless said it would label politicians’ posts when […]

Facebook’s advertiser boycott is getting even bigger

[ad_1] There are now more than 120 companies participating in the boycott, according to a spreadsheet tracking the names. Some companies, like Coca-Cola, are opting to pause their Facebook ads, but are not explicitly joining the boycott. For the month of July, American Honda is withholding its advertising on Facebook and Instagram. We choose to […]

100 million people watch YouTube on TVs each month

[ad_1] Google has long tried to push YouTube off of just phones and onto larger screens. Now, it looks like those efforts are paying off. That shift has also likely been accelerated in recent months by the coronavirus pandemic, as many people have been stuck at home with more time to spend in front of […]

Spotify is testing in-app ads on podcast episode pages

[ad_1] Spotify Of course, there are pros and cons to this. For listeners, there will be clear ads inside the Spotify app beyond just audio. The company says in-app offers are still in testing, but they’re in the alpha phase in the US with ads for Harry’s on Last Podcast on the Left and in […]

The North Face pulls Facebook ads over hate and misinformation policies

[ad_1] Criticism of Facebook’s approaches to hate speech and misinformation may hit the social network where it hurts the most: its finances. CNN reports that clothing brand The North Face has become the most recognizable company yet to join an advocacy group-backed ad boycott of Facebook, pulling all its ads from both Facebook itself as […]

Facebook still plans to put ads in WhatsApp

[ad_1] The Information also has new details about just how Facebook could implement targeted advertising on the encrypted messaging app. The company would use phone numbers to “match” Facebook and WhatsApp accounts in order to determine which ads to show. The plan has already proven controversial within the company, though, with some executives reportedly worried […]

Facebook stops advertisers from targeting users into ‘pseudoscience’

[ad_1] Mark Zuckerberg has said that fighting coronavirus misinformation is one of his “top priorities,” yet Facebook’s ad policies have been slow to catch up. Now, the company will no longer allow advertisers to target users based on their interest in “pseudoscience,” according to The Markup.  The publication discovered the category after seeing an ad […]

Google is waiving ad serving fees for news publications

[ad_1] Like so many other industries, journalism has been hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic. And yet it’s also one of those categories people depend on among the most during a time of crisis. Acknowledging the situation, Google has announced additional assistance for media outlets.  For five months, Google will waive serving fees for publications that use […]

Here’s what Twitter’s weird ‘data-sharing’ notification really means

[ad_1] Twitter Prior to this update, Twitter allowed users to opt out of data sharing that enabled Twitter to tell advertisers how users interacted with ads for mobile apps, and share some “non-public” information like device identifiers. Now, most Twitter users have no choice whether or not that data is shared with Twitter’s advertisers. Those […]