Category: Advertising

US officials use mobile ad location data to study how COVID-19 spreads

[ad_1] The goal is reportedly to create a portal with location data for up to 500 American cities, one tipster said. The CDC is understood to be getting data through a COVID-19 Mobility Data Network project coordinated by experts at Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Princeton and other schools. Neither the CDC nor the White House has […]

Google’s $800 million COVID-19 relief effort includes 2 million face masks

[ad_1] The business assistance includes a $200 million fund for financial institutions and non-governmental organizations to help small businesses get funds. All small businesses with active accounts over the past year will have access to a pool of $340 million in Google Ads credits. Google’s remaining funds include $250 million in ad grants for the […]

Facebook labels manipulated video of Biden ‘endorsing’ Trump as ‘partly false’

[ad_1] As before, the clip was edited to cut off important context for Biden’s statement. Where the manipulated video shows him saying “we can only re-elect Donald Trump,” the unedited piece shows him saying “we can only re-elect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here,” referring to the […]

Etsy’s new ad policy could force more fees on merchants

[ad_1] At first glance, a system in which creators only have to pay for successful ads doesn’t seem bad, but it’s how Etsy plans to implement the service that has some sellers worried. When the company puts the new policy in place in April, it will automatically enroll merchants who make more than $10,000 in […]

Uber is testing rooftop ads on its ridesharing fleet

[ad_1] During the three-city pilot program, Uber will offer drivers $300 to install the vehicle-topper and an additional $100 each week they drive more than 20 hours. Once the program is up and running, drivers will be paid based on how many hours they drive. The displays will show eight-second still or video ads, based […]

Lyft buys a startup that runs ads on top of ridesharing cars

[ad_1] Halo has a fairly simple business model: full-time, highly rated drivers who signed up (applications are closed due to high demand) got up to $400 per month for agreeing to carry a connected, video-capable ad installation on their cars while they worked. Effectively, the promos are smart outdoor ads on wheels — advertisers know […]

HBO Max’s first trailer reminds you it has non-HBO titles, too

[ad_1] HBO Max is still a few months away from its May launch, but that isn’t stopping AT&T and WarnerMedia from trying to drum up some early hype. The streaming service has introduced its first trailer, and it mainly serves to remind you that Warner owns a lot of movies and TV shows beyond HBO. […]

Instagram brought in more money than YouTube in 2019

[ad_1] The site might be more profitable, too. YouTube shares most of its ad revenue with creators, and its video-only focus could mean steeper costs for streaming clips. Facebook has declined to comment on the data. The company hasn’t broken out Instagram’s revenue so far, and at last check hasn’t updated Instagram’s user count beyond […]

KFC slips ads into Spotify Premium through artist profiles

[ad_1] Memac Ogilvy characterized this as a “new path to creativity” and bragged that there was “nothing stopping ” KFC from bringing chicken to its customers. However, we suspect many subscribers didn’t take it the same way. After all, you pay that Premium fee in part to avoid ads — while these approaches didn’t interrupt […]

Jeep’s Super Bowl ad teases a powerful off-road electric bicycle

[ad_1] It’s billed as the “most powerful” off-road mountain bike yet, and there are some specs to back that up. The machine mates a 750W motor with chunky 4.8-inch tires that (along with Fire-Link suspension) should handle rougher trails. You can also expect up to 40 miles of range. Electrek suspected that the motor is […]