Category: after math

After Math: Look at all this free stuff

[ad_1] Engadget The coronavirus doesn’t care how famous you are or how much money you make, it’s an equal opportunity infector. That’s why some of the richest and most famous footballers on the planet have joined forces for your entertainment. They’re participating in EA’s FIFA 20 charity gaming tournament, the “Stay and Play Cup” which […]

After Math: Can’t stop, won’t stop talking coronavirus coverage

[ad_1] With folks expected to stay safe inside for the foreseeable future, a number of companies are stepping up and offering use of their software and apps free of charge for the duration. Apple is the latest to do so, this week announcing that its Final Cut Pro X suite will feature a 90-day free […]

After Math: We’re not ready for the new normal

[ad_1] Not even NASCAR is taking chances with the health of its athletes and fans. The racing league announced last week that it will replace its marathon-length live events with 90-minute competitions with its marquee racers competing in “simulation-style” esports contests. This is the Rugby 7s of motorsports and we’re here for it. The FIFA […]

After Math: How COVID-19 is already clobbering 2020

[ad_1] Welp, we had a good run, America. While every other developed nation on the planet scrambles to defend itself against the deadly spread of COVID-19, the US had to be dragged into fielding a response. This year everything is cancelled. Schools have be… [ad_2] Source link

After Math: Anything worth doing is worth overdoing

[ad_1] 2020 is shaping up to be the year without conventions. Google I/O, Facebook F8, GDC, OMG, and MWC have already been called off, with exhibitors jumping ship from SXSW by the handful and Computex and E3 likely next on the chopping block. But these are… [ad_2] Source link

After Math: The rule of threes

[ad_1] Just three weeks after being barred from doing business in the South American country as part of an ongoing lawsuit, Uber is back on Columbia’s streets. Not because of any shenanigans on the part of the universe, simply because the ride-hailing service found a legal loophole that enables it to operate under a “new […]

After Math: Let’s take a drive

[ad_1] Associated Press Uber has been hemorrhaging cash for years. The company lost $8.5 billion (with a B) in 2019 alone and has yet to finish a financial calendar anywhere close to breaking even. However Uber’s new management appears confident that 2020 will be the year that the company breaks its losing streak, as CFO […]

After Math: That's something at least

[ad_1] This week has been a real kick in the teeth. The UK actually stepped off the Brexit precipice while the US Congress barely went through the motions of Trump's impeachment trial. Worst of all Elon Musk released a truly cringeworthy EDM track because s… [ad_2] Source link

After Math: Risky businesses | Engadget

[ad_1] Nothing lasts forever, especially operating systems. It’s been barely a decade since Windows 7 hit our hard drives but Microsoft is well and truly done with supporting the OS any longer. Apparently nobody told the German government because they now have to pay nearly $900k in support fees because some 33,000 of its computers […]

After Math: All the shows (and games) fit to stream this season

[ad_1] Three price points, two release dates, and I still can’t tell whether the two NBC shows I actually watch will still be available on Hulu or OTA. NBC’s off to a great start. So it’s Gilligan’s Island meets Silicon Valley but in space aboard a 5,000-passenger galactic cruiseliner? I’m intrigued. That almost makes HBO […]