Category: after math

After Math: All the stuff that happened while we were at CES

[ad_1] Finally, someone thought of the children. Unfortunately, it was the septuagenarians in Congress who had that thought. They want to raise the age limit governing when companies can begin collecting data on kids from 13 to 16 and modernize COPPA. While their intentions are probably honorable, I’m still old enough to remember the trainwreck […]

After Math: Driving into a new decade

[ad_1] The EPFL released a study this week pitching a novel method of drastically reducing the amount of CO2 heavy trucks produce: liquify the combustion byproduct and store it onboard until the trip is done. It’d eliminate all but 10 percent of CO2 produced while only taking up around 7 percent of the vehicle’s total […]

After Math: The future of transportation is electrifying

[ad_1] As we wrap up a week of LA Auto Show news, two themes become apparent: we are well on our way towards electric drivetrains being the rule rather than the exception, and you should always ensure that your unshatterable windows are indeed unshatterable… [ad_2] Source link

After Math: It’s sequel season

[ad_1] We knew this was coming, what with the footage leaking earlier in the week. But Blizzard executives nevertheless took to the Blizzcon stage on Friday to confirm that, yes, its massively popular competitive shooter will soon have a successor. From what we saw in the trailer, players are in for a treat with 4-person […]

After Math: Stand and Delivery

[ad_1] Because who doesn’t want to drive their own electric chariot? Uniti’s upcoming EV puts the driver front and center, not unlike a McLaren F1, with a pair of passengers (or a load of groceries if you fold down the back seats) riding double-barrel shotgun in a sleek city-rated runabout. Ang Lee has a fair […]

After Math: When your goose cooks

[ad_1] Elon Musk is having another rough week (man, I seem to say that a lot). First, it turned out that the American private eye he hired to dig up dirt on the guy he called a pedophile was actually a conman from the UK. Then the National Highway Transportation Safety Board dinged his company […]