Category: Ai

Watch AI-controlled virtual fighters take on an Air Force pilot August 18th

[ad_1] DARPA held the second trial in January this year and pitted participants’ greatly improved algorithms against AI adversaries developed by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Both trials were hosted in person at the APL. The third trial will be streamed from the APL, as well, with eight teams flying against the lab’s […]

Pepper the robot can politely suggest you wear a damn mask

[ad_1] Using an image recognition AI and Single Shot Detector, Pepper can scan the faces of up to five people at once. On Pepper’s tablet, a green circle will appear around an image of anyone wearing a mask, and a red circle will appear around the image of anyone without a mask. Pepper can thank […]

MIT AI system knows when to make a medical diagnosis or defer to an expert

[ad_1] The researchers trained the system on multiple tasks, including looking at chest X-rays to diagnose conditions like a collapsed lung. When asked to diagnose cardiomegaly (an enlarged heart), the human-AI hybrid model performed eight percent better than either the AI or medical professionals could on their own. “There are many obstacles that understandably prohibit […]

Microsoft will shut down the Cortana iOS and Android apps in 2021

[ad_1] Microsoft’s plan for Invoke speakers is likely to cause the most resentment. The company will push a firmware update to the smart device to turn it into a Bluetooth speaker. “The firmware update will be delivered automatically to devices connected to WiFi within six months of its release,” the company said.  As an olive […]

MIT algorithm finds subtle connections between art pieces

[ad_1] MIT A particularly difficult aspect of developing MosAIc was creating an algorithm that could find not only similarities in color or style, but also in meaning and theme, Hamilton said. Researchers examined a deep network of “activations,” or features, for each image in the open access collections of both museums. The distance between the […]

DeepMind and Oxford University researchers on how to ‘decolonize’ AI

[ad_1] The paper, published this month in the journal Philosophy & Technology, has at heart the idea that you have to understand historical context to understand why technology can be biased. “Everyone’s talking about racial bias and technology, gender bias and technology, and wanting to mitigate these risks, but how can you if you don’t […]

The Surface Pro X will soon help you pretend to pay attention to calls

[ad_1] Microsoft Because the software depends on Microsoft’s custom silicon, it’s unclear if the company will make the feature available on x86-based PCs. That said, Microsoft is not the only company working on this type of functionality. With the iOS 13 betas, Apple started testing a similar FaceTime Attention Correction feature. The company ultimately shelved […]

Facebook is using bots to figure out how to stop harassment

[ad_1] In the testing environment, known as WW, the bots take actions like trying to buy and sell forbidden items, such as guns and drugs. The bot can use Facebook like a normal person would, conducting searches and visiting pages. Engineers can then test whether the bot can bypass safeguards and violate Community Standards, according […]

Wrist-mounted wearable tracks your hand in 3D using thermal sensors

[ad_1] The scientists who created the device say it’s the first such system to look at the contours of the wrist. Also noteworthy here is the use of thermal imaging. Previous research in the area focused almost exclusively on traditional cameras, often to less than spectacular results. Prototypes developed by scientists in the past were […]

AI helps drone swarms navigate through crowded, unfamiliar spaces

[ad_1] An additional tracking controller, Neural-Swarm, helps the drones compensate for aerodynamic interactions, such as the downwash from a robot flying overhead. It’s already more reliable than a “commercial” controller that doesn’t account for aerodynamics, with far smaller tracking errors. This could be useful for drone light shows, of course, but it could also help […]