Category: Ai

Disney’s new AI is facial recognition for animation

[ad_1] Engadget “So if an animator working on a new season of Clone Wars wants to find a specific type of explosion that happened three seasons ago or as a reference to make something for this current season, that person had to spend hours on YouTube going through video because you can’t find that by […]

A sushi restaurant chain in Japan is using AI to evaluate tuna cuts

[ad_1] Dentsu The app is currently in use by one company, conveyor belt sushi chain Kura Sushi. The restaurant buys the majority of its tuna outside of Japan. Part of the reason the company started using the app is that it allows its employees to grade tuna without traveling. That’s a significant perk during the current pandemic. […]

Google starts displaying contextual info in image searches

[ad_1] If you’ve ever searched for something and seen a panel to the side of the main interface that displays some facts related to your query, then you’ve seen the Knowledge Graph in action. The company first introduced the database back in 2012. Since then, it has expanded to include approximately 500 billion facts related to 5 […]

Microsoft’s new Teams features fight video conferencing fatigue

[ad_1] Despite recent pressure from the White House, schools and businesses across the country are unlikely to resume in-person functions for the foreseeable future due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But going “online-only” has posed challenges of its own. However, Microsoft Team’s brand new slew of updates and features seek to address some of those […]

India may require online shops to hand over site code

[ad_1] India’s plan to tightly regulate online shopping could give it a peek at how many internet giants work. Bloomberg says it obtained a draft e-commerce policy that would mandate access to sites’ source codes and algorithms. This would help prevent “digitally induced biases,” according to the draft. It would also help determine if companies […]

Disney’s face-swap technology is as impressive as it is unsettling

[ad_1] What sets Disney’s efforts apart from others’ attempts is its focus on megapixels. Traditionally, deepfake technology has focused on smooth facial transfers — that is, making a face look like a face on a face — rather than the nitty gritty details of an image. Models from DeepFakelab, for example, produced an image that […]

AI robot ‘Erica’ will star in $70 million sci-fi movie ‘b’

[ad_1] It was up to Ishiguro and Ogawa to “teach” Erica how to act, which they did by applying the principles of method acting to artificial intelligence. Speaking to Hollywood Reporter, the film’s visual effects supervisor and producer Sam Khoze, explained, “In other methods of acting, actors involve their own life experiences in the role. […]

Google will shut down its AI-guided Photos printing service on June 30th

[ad_1] Google’s automated Photos printing service wasn’t long for this world — at least, not in its first incarnation. Droid Life has learned (via The Verge) that Google is shutting down the AI-guided trial service on June 30th. It didn’t say what prompted the closure in a notice to members, but it said it hoped […]

Ford’s Mustang Mach-E feature uses AI to predict range more precisely

[ad_1] Ford said that it will use the cloud to combine driver behavior, forecast weather (since temperatures affect battery life) and road/terrain conditions. It will then use fleet averages to improve range estimates, even on roads you’ve never driven. If range will be impacted on a given route, the Mach-E will tell you why and […]

AI recreates the painting techniques of famous artists

[ad_1] You can’t go back in time to see how Monet or Van Gogh made their masterpieces, but AI might give you the next best thing. MIT CSAIL researchers have created a machine learning system, Timecraft, that can deduce how a painting was produced and recreate the likely brushstrokes, even for famous artists. The design […]