Category: algorithms

Facebook is reportedly testing a ‘virality circuit breaker’ to stop misinformation

[ad_1] Facebook does share info about viral news articles with its fact-checking partners, but CAP suggests that Facebook’s own team take a look at especially viral content. That makes a lot of sense, and you might wonder why Facebook hasn’t had a virality circuit breaker all along. The pandemic and misinformation around COVID-19 have highlighted […]

NYC creates a high-level position to oversee ethics in AI

[ad_1] The officer will have the help of advisory and steering committees that will respectively draw on appointed public members and city officials to “drive the conversation” around algorithms. To put it another way, the algorithms officer should have a better understanding of how algorithms apply in the real world. It’s not yet clear who […]

Google News dives deeper into stories with ‘Beyond the Headlines’

[ad_1] Google said it wants to recognize that stories exploring the “why and how” rather than just the “who, what and when” require an investment of time and money. “Keeping these stories visible beyond the fast daily news cycle, “Beyond the Headlines” connects readers with in-depth articles exploring important issues such as healthcare, the environment, […]

New DoS attack exploits algorithms to knock sites offline

[ad_1] The exploit was detailed at the Black Hat cybersecurity conference in Las Vegas by Nathan Hauke and David Renardy security company Two Six Labs, as reported by Wired. Rather than a traditional DDoS attack which overwhelms a server by sending thousands of junk traffic requests to it from hundreds of different computers until it […]

Axon won’t use facial recognition tech in its police body cameras

[ad_1] Axon has not yet deployed facial recognition technology in any of its body cameras, but it has been using the AI to help blur faces in videos before they are released to the public. In a press release, the company said it will continue developing the technology in an ethical manner and will work […]