Category: androidq

ASUS’ ZenFone 6 has a flippable camera and giant battery

[ad_1] ASUS decided to throw in a generous 5,000mAh battery here, while most other phones tend to top out at 4,000mAh. The engineers went to great lengths to justify this decision: It was either a smaller capacity with super fast charging or a larger capacity within the same battery size, but slower charging. ASUS went […]

How Android Q supports 5G apps and why you should care

[ad_1] What he didn’t expect, back when he was helping define 4G, was that video streaming would explode in popularity the way it did and become the most obvious benefit of the new network technology. “4G made it possible to do video streaming, which was not conceivable before,” Grilli told Engadget at Google I/O this […]