Category: antitrust

Apple officially unplugs Epic from the App Store

[ad_1] Right on schedule, Apple has terminated the App Store account Epic Games used to support and maintain Fortnite. Epic warned iOS and macOS users earlier in the week it would no longer have the ability to update Fortnite after August 28th, and now that’s the case. Outside of the popular battle royale, the developer […]

Apple apparently blocked WordPress app updates to force IAP support

[ad_1] In yet another example of Apple’s increasingly-strained relationship with developers, WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg tweeted that the free WordPress app on iOS hadn’t seen updates for a while because “we were locked by App Store.” According to his tweet, there was no way for the company to issue updates or bug fixes until it […]

Apple court filing claims Epic’s ‘Fortnite’ setup is like shoplifting

[ad_1] “When Apple refused to fundamentally alter the way it does business to appease Epic, Epic resorted to sudden, unilateral action that blatantly breached its contracts with Apple, and simultaneously filed this lawsuit, which seeks to justify its deliberate breaches after the fact,” Schiller said.  The tech giant goes on to compare Epic’s recent attempt […]

Facebook is the latest tech giant to blast Apple’s ‘App Store tax’

[ad_1] “We asked Apple to reduce its 30% App Store tax or allow us to offer Facebook Pay so we could absorb all costs for businesses struggling during COVID-19,” Facebook wrote in a blog post. “Unfortunately, they dismissed both our requests and SMBs will only be paid 70% of their hard-earned revenue.” The social network […]

At 25, Internet Explorer’s legacy has never been more relevant

[ad_1] In the early ‘90s, Netscape ruled the world with Navigator, an internet browser that was easy and accessible, empowering folks to get online. For $49 — unless you had a free version provided by your ISP — the nascent internet was at your fingertips. Microsoft had slept on the web and belatedly came to […]

Huge video game companies are exposing Apple’s iOS hypocrisy

[ad_1] But really, this is all just a distraction. Fortnite’s App Store removal is a Trojan Horse, and inside, the Epic Games Store lies in wait. Sweeney’s true goal is to get the Epic Games Store on mobile devices — meaning iOS and Android alike — but right now, the App Store is the perfect […]

Apple removes ‘Fortnite’ from App Store following direct payment push

[ad_1] Shortly after the removal, the company filed a lawsuit against Apple. Epic also announced it would stream a new short called Nineteen Eighty-Fortnite, which you can watch below. The title of the short is a reference to Apple’s iconic 1984 Macintosh ad. Epic also mentioned 1984 in their legal brief. “Today, Epic Games took […]

Epic Games offers ‘Fortnite’ discounts if you bypass Android and iOS app stores

[ad_1] These permanent discounts are a bold move. They essentially incentivize avoiding Apple and Google’s in-app payment methods. On mobile, players will see the App Store or Google Play payment option next to the Epic direct payment option. The side-by-side comparison makes it pretty clear how you’ll be ripped off if you buy through Apple […]

Judge dismisses Genius lawsuit against Google over ‘stolen’ lyrics

[ad_1] Google has consistently maintained it does not scrape other websites for their data. “We do not crawl or scrape websites to source these lyrics,” Google said in a blog post before Genius sued the company. “The lyrics that you see in information boxes on Search come directly from lyrics content providers, and they are updated automatically […]

Russia’s antitrust watchdog finds Apple abused App Store ‘dominance’

[ad_1] Potential action from US lawmakers may not be what forces Apple to change how it does business. Following a year-long investigation into the company, Reuters reports Russia’s Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has found the iPhone-maker abused its dominant position in the mobile app marketplace and will order Apple to resolve multiple regulatory breaches.  The […]