Category: app

Facebook sues firm for allegedly misusing app data to target ads

[ad_1] The firm leaned on stalling tactics and unsupported denials when confronted with its behavior, according to Facebook. After an investigation that started in June 2018 (when a larger company bought Rankwave), Facebook in January 2019 asked for proof that Rankwave honored policies and wasn’t misusing information. It missed an end-of-January deadline to respond, and […]

Livescribe is giving the smartpen another shot

[ad_1] Aegir can store 1,200 pages of notes before it’s connected to the Livescribe+ mobile app, which can digitize handwritten notes as text, PDF, image or vector. The new app also brings additional features, like audio recording and the ability to tap anywhere on your notes to begin play back from that moment. Plus, the […]

Waze integrates Pandora for seamless road trip tunes

[ad_1] Pandora users can now access their music through Waze, meaning you won’t have to flip between the apps as you drive. From the Waze app, iOS and Android users can simply click the music icon in the top right corner and select Pandora. If you’re in the Pandora app, you’ll also see the next […]

Alexa takes hands-free voice commands on Windows 10 PCs

[ad_1] Simultaneously, the app has also introduced voice control for Pandora’s online radio. You could see this coming. Microsoft has become increasingly comfortable with Alexa on Windows as Cortana becomes less of a direct competitor. Amazon’s addition of hands-free voice to its Alexa app is really just a logical extension of that warming relationship between […]

Apple Aperture won’t run in macOS after Mojave

[ad_1] While albums, labels and the images themselves will make the cut, they won’t always have one-for-one equivalents. Color labels may pop up as keywords or tags, for example. Aperture’s non-destructive editing also won’t carry over properly — the Photos app will preserve the changes, but you can’t tweak them short of reverting to the […]

The UK gets its first checkout-free grocery store

[ad_1] It’s not quite as ground-breaking as what’s being done by Amazon with its Amazon Go stores. Here, customers just pick up whatever they want and a combination of sensors and cameras makes sure they’re billed automatically when they leave the store — Sainsburys’ tech requires a bit of work by the customer. However, the […]

Uber adds London’s public transportation info to its app

[ad_1] At the same time, Uber is planning to bring its electric JUMP bicycles to cities across Europe. As we saw in San Francisco, the bike service can cut into car rides. But Uber doesn’t seem concerned that the added transport options will deter ridesharing customers. “This is central to Uber’s efforts to reduce private […]

Overcast can create clips from any public podcast

[ad_1] The sharing pages also display badges for listening in specific podcast apps for listeners who want to listen to the rest of the episode, including Overcast itself (strictly optional) and Apple Podcasts. This won’t help much if you’re trying to capture the entirety of a segment, or if there’s tweaks you’d like to make […]

Zillow’s 3D home tours are available across North America

[ad_1] Realtors can add 3D tours to their listings for free, and they’re relatively quick to make. They can take “as little as” 15 to 20 minutes to produce, Zillow said. In short, you could see these virtual showcases attached to many listings before long, and not just luxurious estates. You might just have an […]

Google Lens may add translation and restaurant ‘filters’

[ad_1] There are also references to a “dining” filter that would search nearby restaurants, including popular dishes. A “shopping” filter appears to focus on more generic goods. Combined with the translation feature, it appears as if Google wants to offer a range of specialized searches instead of a one-size-fits-all function. It’s not certain when the […]