Category: Ar

Get ready for even more third-party AR filters on Instagram

[ad_1] “If you use the Instagram camera, you’ll see all these AR effects, and they’re all built with Spark,” said Matt Roberts, a Spark product manager. “Now we’re allowing anybody, not just people who work for Instagram, to build their own effects for their own cameras.” Facebook launched its Camera Effects platform in 2017, which […]

Google Lens may add translation and restaurant ‘filters’

[ad_1] There are also references to a “dining” filter that would search nearby restaurants, including popular dishes. A “shopping” filter appears to focus on more generic goods. Combined with the translation feature, it appears as if Google wants to offer a range of specialized searches instead of a one-size-fits-all function. It’s not certain when the […]

Coachella built an AR experience for festival-goers

[ad_1] While attending shows in the Sahara Tent, show-goers see a countdown clock on a major screen that will alert them when the AR experience is available. At that point, they will able to pull up Coachella Cameras from within the Coachella app, point their phones at the screen and see the AR action. Attendees […]

Apple hires the founder of VR content startup Jaunt

[ad_1] The hire comes just two months after HoloLens co-creator Avi Bar-Zeev left Apple following three years of work believed to be linked to the company’s planned AR headset. There are a number of potential applications for van Hoff’s experience. He could help with the development of the rumored headset, including the creation of content. […]

Snapchat may launch its own gaming service next month

[ad_1] Snap has been struggling to increase user growth, but recently announced that it had boosted revenue last quarter by 36 percent. Jumping into gaming could be a way to bump both users and revenue. Snap investor Tencent, the world’s largest gaming company, indicated last year that it may collaborate with with the social media […]

Jessica Brillhart seeks truth in immersive media

[ad_1] Brillhart started out at Google’s creative filmmaking arm, crafting documentaries on topics like Instant Search, quantum computing and AI. But eventually, she was tapped to help the company’s early 360-degree video experiments, which led to other projects like her DeepDream VR experiment. And even though we’re several years into the rise of consumer VR, […]

Facebook is using AR to bring a massive mural to life

[ad_1] Down the road, the company plans to expand its “AR/T” program to other places in the US and abroad, as it looks to work with more local artists and developers on ways to put a technology twist on their art. “We feel really strongly about the value of the analog, like the materials,” Jessica […]

Apple’s rumored AR headset might require an iPhone

[ad_1] The AR glasses, Apple’s first, will act as a display, and the computing, rendering, internet connection and location services will come from the user’s iPhone, Kuo said, as reported by 9to5Mac. In a lot of ways, this would be similar to the approach Apple took with the first few Apple Watch models, which needed […]

Apple quietly bought Lighthouse’s AI home security camera patents

[ad_1] Intellectual Property publication IAM reports that Apple snapped up a total of eight patents and patent applications very soon after Lighthouse ceased operations. Some cover typical security camera features — like two-way communication between a camera and other devices — but others specifically relate to the 3D depth-sensing technology that allowed Lighthouse’s camera to […]