Category: ariel

After Math: Let’s take a drive

[ad_1] Associated Press Uber has been hemorrhaging cash for years. The company lost $8.5 billion (with a B) in 2019 alone and has yet to finish a financial calendar anywhere close to breaking even. However Uber’s new management appears confident that 2020 will be the year that the company breaks its losing streak, as CFO […]

Ariel will fully unveil its hybrid supercar this summer

[ad_1] While auto enthusiasts will likely want to hear about the Hipercar’s specs, they can expect some changes to the car’s looks too. A representative told Autoblog that “certain things will have changed,” but gave no further details. Ariel will hopefully announce pricing information as well. In 2017, founder Simon Saunders said, “It will be […]

European astronauts plan to take pics of a comet from the dawn of time

[ad_1] Comet Interceptor is part of ESA’s latest fast-class mission, meaning it will be developed in a relatively short period of time, about eight years. Comet Interceptor is expected to launch as a single composite craft aboard ESA’s Ariel spacecraft in 2028. It will complete the last leg of its journey with its own propulsion […]