Category: att

AT&T hikes TV Now prices by as much as $15 per month

[ad_1] Service prices are climbing to “reflect the cost to deliver content to our customers,” AT&T said in a statement to Engadget. It’s not clear if this reflects higher channel carriage rates, AT&T’s infrastructure costs or a combination of both. A price increase seemed likely regardless of those costs. The carrier is focused more on […]

AT&T reportedly considers offloading its DirecTV satellite unit

[ad_1] AT&T declined to comment. CFO John Stephens previously said that merging DirecTV and Dish would be unlikely “from a regulatory perspective.” While the reasoning for such a move wasn’t available as we wrote this, it’s no secret that DirecTV has been bleeding customers for a while, even in its promising DirecTV Now (changed to […]

AT&T sued for allegedly inflating DirecTV Now subscriber numbers

[ad_1] One of the methods employees allegedly used is tacking on up to three accounts to a single customer’s phone number — including those who just signed up for a free trial — and running their credit card three times. In some cases, customers were reportedly charged for a subscription even though they made it […]

51 companies tell Congress it’s time to tackle data privacy

[ad_1] Accordingly, the companies have published a framework for what they’d like to see. They want “robust” protections for data that foster accountability, a “technology neutral” approach that spurs innovation, worldwide interoperability and, of course, a harmonized rule set. The company list includes some notable omissions, although that doesn’t necessarily reflect a lack of interest. […]

AT&T’s telecoms chief is retiring amid industry upheaval

[ad_1] He’s held the top job in AT&T’s telecoms unit for two years. Donovan’s current remit includes AT&T’s mobile and internet networks, as well as some of the company’s convoluted streaming platforms — the WarnerMedia unit is in charge of HBO Max. “It’s been my honor to lead AT&T Communications during a period of unprecedented […]

AT&T and FTC settle lawsuit over data throttling

[ad_1] The case very nearly didn’t go forward in the first place. An appeals court effectively tossed the lawsuit in 2016 on the grounds that AT&T’s common carrier status exempted it from disclosing its throttling activity. In 2018, however, a federal court decided that the FTC could proceed with the case after noting that AT&T’s […]

Phone companies and state attorneys general join forces to fight robocalls

[ad_1] Under the new agreement, the carriers will implement call-blocking technology, make anti-robocall tools free to consumers and deploy a system that labels calls as legitimate or spam, The Washington Post reports. The companies also agree to aid investigations by law enforcement. The major players — AT&T, Comcast, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon (Engadget’s parent company) […]

Study finds US carriers aggressively throttle video streams

[ad_1] To compile their findings, the team of researchers behind the report spent a year collecting data with the help of some 126,000 participants in 183 countries across the globe using a platform called Wehe. In all, they sampled 1,045,413 data points, with some 650,000 coming courtesy of Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint subscribers in […]

Man charged with bribing AT&T staff to illegally unlock phones

[ad_1] There's no question that there's a market for unlocked phones, but one man may have been too eager to profit from that demand. The US has charged Pakistani citizen Muhammad Fahd with bribing staff at AT&T's call center in Bothell, Washington to… [ad_2] Source link