Category: Australia

Facebook, Google and others adopt guidelines intended to fight child abuse

[ad_1] The document, Voluntary Principles to Counter Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, includes 11 principles. It covers themes like targeting online grooming, preventing searches of child sexual abuse material and responding to evolving threats. According to a statement published by the DOJ, the principles are “intended to have sufficient flexibility to ensure effective implementation.” […]

Australian court orders Google to reveal user who wrote a dentist’s bad review

[ad_1] The surgeon in question, Dr. Matthew Kabbabe, had asked Google share the identity of the anonymous user, “CBsm 23.” Google rejected the request, stating it didn’t “have any means to investigate where and when the ID was created.” However, a judge said that Dr. Kabbabe had the right to pursue a defamation case and […]

Help Australian wildlife with Humble’s latest 29-game bundle

[ad_1] The excellent Hollow Knight headlines the collection. Other highlights include Void Bastards, The Stillness of the Wind and Machinarium. In all, there are 29 games in the bundle, with a total value of more than $400. Each of the titles has some connection to the country. Hollow Knight, for instance, was developed by Team […]

Australia rolls out AI cameras to spot drivers using their phones

[ad_1] The first three months of the initiative will let first-infraction drivers get away with a warning. After that, however, it gets expensive. They’ll receive a $344 AUD ($233 US) fine and five demerit points in typical cases, with those figures climbing to $457 AUD ($309 US) for school zone violations and 10 demerit points […]

Cortana app will stop working on phones in some countries

[ad_1] It’s not certain if the shutdown will affect the US or other countries. We’ve asked Microsoft for more details. The company isn’t shy about its reasoning. It’s moving Cortana into Outlook and other Microsoft 365 productivity apps, and shying away from its original attempt to position the AI helper as a direct rival to […]

Australia wants to verify porn users by scanning their faces

[ad_1] “Home Affairs is developing a Face Verification Service which matches a person’s photo against images used on one of their evidence of identity documents to help verify their identity,” the Home Affairs agency wrote in a submission. “This could assist in age verification, for example by preventing a minor from using their parent’s driver […]

Australia orders ISPs to block sites hosting Christchurch shooting video

[ad_1] Reviews for the blocks will take place every six months. Officials maintain that this won’t lead to arbitrary censorship. There’s a “high threshold” and “parliamentary oversight” before blocking takes place, Inman said. Communications minister Paul Fletcher likewise said blocks didn’t represent a “universal solution.” This is specifically meant to combat material that’s illegal in […]

Australia will block domains with extremist material during terror attacks

[ad_1] The nation’s eSafety Commissioner will determine what to block in any given situation using a yet-to-be-established framework, while a Crisis Coordination Center will keep tabs on both violence and extremist material around the clock. Australia is also contemplating legislation to force internet companies to improve their safety, although it’s not clear how the country […]

Facebook defends decision not to ban fake news from politicians

[ad_1] “I understand that your preference would be for Facebook to remove all content that you believe constitutes misinformation – which in this instance mean all content that discussed whether or not Labor intends to introduce a death tax – rather than demote it; however Facebook only removes content that violates our community standards,” wrote […]

Australian antitrust body wants to closely monitor Google, Facebook

[ad_1] The ACCC also called for a new code of conduct for the tech giants that will allow “consumers [to] know and control what data is collected and how it is used.” It has advised the government to beef up Australia’s Privacy Act, as well, and to establish a scheme to resolve consumers’ complaints against […]