Category: backdoor

Apple set to remove thousands of games from Chinese App Store in license crackdown

[ad_1] Back in February, Apple “reminded” iOS developers in China that they needed to obtain licenses prior to publishing, now the iPhone maker has explicitly said that games without a license by June 30th will be banned and removed from the local App Store. This could have far-reaching implications on the gaming industry in the […]

Senators demand answers over Juniper Network’s 2015 backdoor incident

[ad_1] Back in 2015, networking equipment vendor Juniper Networks discovered unauthorized code in its software that created a backdoor, potentially allowing hackers to decrypt and spy on supposedly secure traffic. Now, officials want answers. A group of 13 senators has sent an open letter to the company, calling for the results of its internal investigation […]

DOJ letter reveals the FBI recently cracked an iPhone 11

[ad_1] While the Department of Justice, US attorney general and even the president continue to pressure Apple for additional technical support in unlocking iPhones tied to the naval base shooting in December, a letter reveals that the FBI recently cracked a password-protected iPhone 11. That phone belonged to Lev Parnas, an associate of the president’s […]

Facebook tells US, UK and Australia it won’t weaken chat encryption

[ad_1] If you soften encryption in one area, you soften it for “everyone, everywhere,” Facebook noted. The social network argued that backdoor access would represent a “gift to criminals, hackers and repressive regimes,” letting them pry in the messages of innocent people by exploiting weaknesses. As support, Facebook pointed to more than 100 organizations echoing […]

Hackers hijacked update server to install backdoors on ASUS machines

[ad_1] With access to the update server, the attackers were able to distribute malicious files that appeared legitimate because they were given an ASUS digital certificate to make them appear to be authentic. Instead, the phony software updates gave the attackers a backdoor to access infected devices. Kaspersky estimates that about half a million Windows […]