Category: bad password

How did Google get Pixel 4 face unlock this wrong?

[ad_1] If you’re a privacy and security nerd, or pay attention to headlines about hack attacks at all, the “eyes closed” issue with Pixel 4 tears at the already-frayed edges of your sanity. Imagining everything that could go wrong with your security and log-in tool should be everyone’s job on every team, everywhere, especially at […]

How a trivial cell phone hack is ruining lives

[ad_1] “This is still very raw (I haven’t even told my family yet),” Coonce wrote in an anguished Medium post. “I can’t stop thinking about the small, easy things I could have done to protect myself along the way.” On a Monday night in June, Matthew Miller’s daughter woke him up to say that his […]

Something’s wrong with the war on sex trafficking

[ad_1] Thorn offers internet companies its content moderation tool “Safer,” and for law enforcement, its separate data-mining and user-profiling tool “Spotlight.” Both use data sources and AI to automate policing of sex content. Of Thorn’s 31 nonprofit partners, 27 target adults and vow to abolish consensual sex work under the banner of saving children from […]

Christchurch, we need more than digital-security theater

[ad_1] That’s why I thought that article might be good to share, to help people avoid the trauma of viewing videos like that. After all, these videos are injected without consent into our online spaces with the intent to harm us, and inspire further violence. There was one huge problem: The article’s instructions require you […]