Category: balloons

Alphabet’s balloon-powered Loon rural internet comes to Mozambique

[ad_1] Loon CEO Alastair Westgarth noted that Vodacom is one of Africa’s largest carriers, providing service to tens of millions of people in multiple countries. “We view this as the first step to a larger partnership that will allow us to serve more of those users throughout Africa,” he said in a statement. So far, […]

Loon will bring balloon-powered internet to the Amazon rainforest

[ad_1] Working together with local infrastructure operator Internet Para Todos Perú (IpT), Loon will use its high-altitude balloons to provide internet access to parts of the Loreto Region of the Peruvian Amazon, where around 200,000 people live. According to the company, a quarter of people in this area lack 3G or better internet access, and […]

Alphabet’s balloons broadcast LTE two days after Peruvian quake

[ad_1] This isn’t the first time Loon has provided connectivity following a disaster. It delivered internet to 100,000 people in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria struck in 2017. But in that case, it took Loon four weeks to get the balloons online. The difference in Peru is that Loon was already negotiating a commercial contract […]