Category: baltimore

AT&T’s real 5G comes to NYC and five other cities

[ad_1] As with the earlier rollout, this should deliver meaningful coverage. NYC is virtually blanketed in 5G, for example, while Las Vegas’ access expands well past the main city. The deployment brings AT&T’s normal 5G coverage up to 19 cities, and its millimeter wave access to 25 cities. It also underscores AT&T’s middle-of-the-road approach to […]

Baltimore ransomware attack will cost the city over $18 million

[ad_1] On May 7th, the city’s government computer systems were infected with aggressive ransomware called RobbinHood which encrypted hard drive data to prevent access. Each computer affected by the attack demanded a payment of 13 bitcoin (over $75,000) for users to regain access to their files. Gizmodo reports that the FBI specifically advised the city […]

Ransomware attacks in US cities are using a stolen NSA tool

[ad_1] Microsoft has issued fixes for affected Windows version after the NSA disclosed the long-secret vulnerabilities. However, these attacks frequently succeed due to fragmented local governments that tend to be cautious about upgrades. In addition to using a mishmash of software and configurations that complicates updates, cities may be hesitant to patch or upgrade their […]

A ransomware attack is holding Baltimore’s networks hostage

[ad_1] Nearly every department of the city government was affected in some way, though the police, fire, emergency response and 311 systems remained up. The city’s phones are still active, and employees are at work. City Council did cancel at least one hearing on gun violence. According to the Baltimore Sun the ransomware — a […]