Category: ban

FCC Chairman wants to ban caller ID spoofing for text messages

[ad_1] “We must attack this problem with every tool we have,” Chairman Pai said. “With these new rules, we’ll close the loopholes that hamstring law enforcement when they try to pursue international scammers and scammers using text messaging.” While the Truth in Caller ID Act prohibits spoofing caller ID information, it did not originally extend […]

San Francisco is officially the first US city to ban e-cigarette sales

[ad_1] The passing no doubt causes grief for many e-cigarette companies, but it’s a particularly serious blow to Juul, which now faces a ban in its home town just days after it bought a 28-floor office tower. The company is already campaigning for an option on the November ballot to reverse the ban, and has […]

Huawei’s US ban may cost $30 billion, but it vows to rebound

[ad_1] Zhengfei made the announcement at an event laid on by Huawei, titled “A Coffee with Ren,” featuring MIT Media Lab co-founder Nicholas Negropronte. The creator of the One Laptop Per Child association said that the current attack on Huawei is going to be harmful to the open flow of information. Zhengfei also invited controversial […]

Huawei trademarks its own mobile OS following US ban

[ad_1] Meanwhile, Huawei has made its feelings about its ban clear in an ex parte memo to the Federal Communications Commission. The letter, published this week, condemns the decision to ban the company on the grounds of national security threats, noting that doing so will “do little or nothing to protect the security of America’s […]

China warns tech firms against cooperating with US trade ban

[ad_1] The meetings reportedly involved three government divisions, suggesting that approval likely came from the highest ranks of Chinese leadership. Officials didn’t mention Huawei by name, but there wasn’t much doubt that the company was involved. Whether or not the threats hold much weight is another story. If accurate, China effectively wants companies to risk […]

Google warns banning Huawei could increase security risks

[ad_1] In accordance with the “national emergency” declared by the Trump Administration last month, Google cut Huawei off from potential Android updates. Huawei responded saying that it could launch its own operating system, which has been in the works for years, as early as this fall. While the Trump Administration did grant a 90-day window […]

Huawei reportedly scales back phone production following US ban

[ad_1] Foxconn declined to comment, and Huawei hadn’t initially responded to requests for comment. Provided the report is accurate, it would signal an abrupt end to Huawei’s runaway growth. Not that the company might have much choice when US companies can’t work with the firm unless they have explicit permission. Without official Android support (and […]

Major science publisher bars Huawei from reviewing papers

[ad_1] While this isn’t as dire for Huawei as moves by Google, Intel and others to honor US rules and cut off support, there are potentially significant ramifications. This makes it harder for scientists to advance discoveries in areas where Huawei is a specialist, such as AI. It could also deter Huawei from submitting papers […]

China plans list of ‘unreliable entities’ in retaliation for Huawei ban

[ad_1] The Chinese government didn’t name entities or say how (or if) it would punish offenders. There’s a chance this won’t amount to much. China’s economy still thrives on US businesses to some degree, including contract orders and suppliers, and cutting off those partners could lead to serious problems for some domestic operations. It may […]

Huawei says it’s a ‘victim of bullying by the US’

[ad_1] In an earlier statement, founder Ren Zhegfei said that the company had prepared for this possibility. The company previously acknowledged that it had a backup operating system in case it was cut off from Android, although it has yet to talk about rolling out the alternative software. Huawei could technically use Android’s open source […]