Category: ban

Commerce Dept. grants Huawei a 90-day license to help existing users

[ad_1] Last week the US Commerce Department added Huawei and 68 subsidiaries to its “Entity List” that bans it from doing business with US companies without a special license. Today, as anticipated, the Commerce Department loosened that restriction a bit with a temporary 90-day license. According to Wilbur Ross, the Secretary of Commerce, it “will […]

Google reportedly suspends Huawei’s Android support after US ban

[ad_1] The company is still “internally” discussing which services are going away, the source said. Google would cut off all tech support and collaboration for Android and services, however. We’ve asked Google for comment. If accurate, though, the suspension would represent a serious blow to Huawei’s mobile efforts. Although this shouldn’t dent the company’s Chinese […]

US may soften ban on Huawei to help existing users

[ad_1] Huawei would still face severe restrictions. It could buy US goods for maintenance, it couldn’t use those goods to create new products. A softened ban wouldn’t likely ease tensions between China and the US. Huawei has insisted that the de facto ban will create “significant economic harm” for Americans, and China has interpreted it […]

Huawei says US ban is ‘in no one’s interest’

[ad_1] The statement from the major Chinese tech firm comes just one day after some sweeping changes issued by the Trump administration. Yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order declaring a national emergency to ban sales and use of telecommunications equipment from companies that pose “unacceptable” risks to national security. The President posited that “foreign […]

Trump declares ‘national emergency’ to make way for Huawei ban (updated)

[ad_1] The order tasked the Commerce Department with drafting enforcement plans within 150 days. All US government agencies were expected to take “all appropriate measures” to follow the order. While the emergency declaration doesn’t mention China by name, there’s no doubt that the country is the primary target. The US government has repeatedly deterred companies […]

Facebook and Instagram ban Alex Jones and other far-right extremists

[ad_1] The move will also ban impersonations, not to mention Facebook events and groups promoting those subject to the bans. You can still talk about the banned individuals or share content involving them that doesn’t violate other terms of service. Facebook argued in a statement to The Atlantic that this was in line with its […]

Sri Lanka lifts social media ban nine days after terrorist bombings

[ad_1] Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Viber were reportedly among the platforms blocked. Nine days later, it’s unclear if the restrictions helped curb violence or limit the spread of misinformation. Sri Lanka isn’t the only country to block social media in an attempt to squash unrest. It joins the likes of the Democratic Republic of Congo, […]

Indiegogo will ban fundraising for anti-vaccination projects

[ad_1] It’s not the first fundraising site to crack down. GoFundMe announced a similar ban in late March. However, Indiegogo’s move leaves anti-vaccination activists without another major source of income. This comes on top of another effort where Amazon pulled this latest documentary’s predecessor from Prime Video after an outcry. In all these cases, there’s […]

Sri Lanka temporarily bans social media after terrorist bombings

[ad_1] The country isn’t alone in curbing social network use, joining the likes of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran and Turkey. While Sri Lanka’s bans are momentary and ostensibly aimed at preventing already chaotic situations from getting worse, they share a common effect of chilling all online speech, not just extremists and misinformation, until […]

Reddit bans gore-, death-focused channels following NZ mosque attack

[ad_1] Following other social networks, Reddit has also faced people trying to reshare video of a terrorist attack on a mosque in New Zealand. Now two notorious subreddits, r/watchpeopledie and r/Gore have been banned for hosting links to it. Washington Post reporter Drew Harwell shared a picture of a moderator saying “The video stays up […]