Category: bbc studios

BBC Studios is the next to pour money into Pocket Casts

[ad_1] “This new partnership with BBC Studios enables Pocket Casts to further our goal of creating the world’s best podcasting platform, for both listeners and publishers,” said Pocket Casts CEO Owen Grover, former iHeartRadio and Clear Channel vice president. A few years ago, NPR, WNYC Studios and WBEZ Chicago teamed up to buy Pocket Casts, […]

The Edge of Time’ in VR this September

[ad_1] In The Edge of Time, the Doctor — played and voiced by Jodie Whittaker — is hurled to the end of the universe, and a virus threatens to rip apart reality. Players will have to solve mind-bending puzzles and defeat new and classic monsters. Equipped with the Sonic Screwdriver, players will be able to […]