Category: bernie sanders

US senators ask Amazon why it keeps firing COVID-19 whistleblowers

[ad_1] Earlier this week, AWS vice president Tim Bray quit over what he sees is an attempt to punish whistleblowers who express concerns about lacking COVID-19 protections. Meanwhile, the National Labor Relations Board is looking into claims of retaliation against employees who organize or participate in protests. In a statement provided to Engadget, an Amazon […]

What does the end of Elizabeth Warren’s campaign mean for big tech?

[ad_1] Warren drew significant attention over the past year by saying that many of the biggest tech companies in the world would be under close scrutiny if she were to become president. Specifically, she pledged to break up Amazon, Facebook and Google and accused them of using their power to unfairly influence the market and […]

Bernie Sanders proposes $150 billion for public broadband improvements

[ad_1] The candidate also vows to “dramatically” lower the cost of service. He would require basic internet plans, up the FCC’s minimum definition of broadband from 10Mbps to 100Mbps, regulate rates and fully subsidize entry-level plans for low-income households. This would involve protecting and expanding the Lifeline program. He would outright ban data caps and […]

Replacing crops with solar panels

[ad_1] California farmers are planting solar panels as water supplies dry upSammy Roth,Los Angeles Times In parts of California, water is becoming scarce, and that’s not great news for farmers. There is an alternative though: solar panels. Los Angeles Times explains how the renewable energy source might help replace jobs and revenue that are lost […]