Category: bill

EARN IT Act amendments transfer the fight over Section 230 to the states

[ad_1] The other major concern opponents of the EARN IT Act raise has to do with Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which says that companies are not liable for much of the content that users post. Originally, the EARN IT Act proposed requiring that companies “earn” Section 230 protections by following recommended practices […]

Members of Congress push to ban federal use of face recognition

[ad_1] No federal agency or official would be permitted to “acquire, possess, access or use” biometric surveillance tech in the US under the proposed legislation. Nor could they use any information from a third-party facial recognition system. In addition, the bill would ban the use of federal funds to acquire that type of technology. The […]

Republican Senate bill seeks an end to ‘warrant-proof’ encryption

[ad_1] It’d also require the AG to create a competition that would reward “participants who create a lawful access solution in an encrypted environment, while maximizing privacy and security.” In addition, the bill would allocate funding for the Justice Department’s National Domestic Communications Assistance Center in order to bolster “digital evidence training for law enforcement.” […]

Bipartisan Senate bill aims to invest $100 billion in technology R&D

[ad_1] “The coronavirus pandemic has shown the science and technology gap between the United States and the rest of the world is closing fast and that threatens our long-term health, economic competitiveness, and national security,” Senator Schumer said in a statement. “America cannot afford to continue our decades-long underinvestment and expect to lead the world […]

Bipartisan bill would make e-commerce platforms liable for counterfeit goods

[ad_1] Based on the information published by members of the group, the bill would require online platforms to vet sellers to make sure they’re legit. The company will also have to remove counterfeit listings and their sellers, as well as be more proactive in preventing continued sale of counterfeits by third-party sellers. As The New […]

Draft bill could penalize companies for using end-to-end encryption

[ad_1] The draft does ask the commission to consider issues like privacy and security when establishing the practices. However, the 15-person commission would be led by the Attorney General, and current AG William Barr has been a vocal opponent of end-to-end encryption. As the draft law would let Barr modify the rules without a consensus, […]

Bipartisan bill would scale back key section of the Patriot Act

[ad_1] While there are a variety of facets to the bill, the most significant aspect of it is that it would prohibit the warrantless collection of cell-site and GPS geolocation data, as well as internet browsing and search history by US intelligence agencies. Additionally, the bill would eliminate the relevance clause that had allowed the […]

Proposed NYC law would require drone inspections for building complaints

[ad_1] The drone inspections could alleviate staff shortages at NYC’s building department while saving money. More importantly, they could save lives. The council proposal comes days after falling debris from a fined building killed architect Erica Tishman while she was walking below. Ideally, this would have helped pinpoint and fix the problem. There’s one problem: […]

Democrats want to study FOSTA-SESTA's impact on sex workers online

[ad_1] If you're concerned that FOSTA-SESTA seems built more to kick sex workers offline than to fight sex trafficking, you're not alone. House representatives and senators have introduced the Safe Sex Workers Study Act, a bill that would analyze the impac… [ad_2] Source link

Senate bill would block US companies from storing data in China

[ad_1] The changes could impact companies like Apple and TikTok. Per Chinese law, Apple began storing Chinese users’ iCloud accounts in a Chinese data center last year. Apple says it still controls encryption keys, but Hawley sees this as a national security threat. And like other senators, Hawley fears TikTok’s owner ByteDance could be pressured […]