Category: biology

Almost a fifth of Earth’s ocean floor has been mapped

[ad_1] Us humans know more about the surface of the Moon than we do Earth’s oceans, but there’s progress on closing that gap. The Seabed 3030 Project reports (via BBC News) that scientists have mapped 19 percent of ocean floors to contemporary standards, or a huge leap over the six percent from Seabed’s launch in […]

3D atom mapping helps investigate the origins of life

[ad_1] A relatively new technique for studying atoms might shed more light on how life began on Earth. Scientists have used 3D atom mapping (specifically, atom probe tomography) to discover that the oldest molecular fluids in the Solar System could have supported the development of amino acids and, eventually, life. The team studied molecules on […]

Microsoft hopes its ‘Planetary Computer’ will preserve biodiversity

[ad_1] Earlier this year, Microsoft announced that it plans to be carbon negative by 2030. The company hopes to help other organizations, researchers and governments improve the environment as well, with its “Planetary Computer” project. The initiative is more nebulous than a single computer, though. The so-called Planetary Computer will take in data, process it […]

‘Resurrected’ mammoth DNA helps explain why the species went extinct

[ad_1] As it turns out, at least one of the island’s mammoths had a string of genetic defects. There were issues with male fertility, neurological development, insulin signalling and even the ability to smell flowers. This suggests the mammoths might have been hurt by their small population size (300 to 500) and isolation from the […]

Scientists created living robots out of stem cells

[ad_1] “These are novel living machines,” says Joshua Bongard, a computer scientist and robotics expert at UVM who co-led the new research. “They’re neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal. It’s a new class of artifact: a living, programmable organism.” To determine the best design for this new life form, researchers from […]

Study casts doubt on the chances of life on watery alien planets

[ad_1] The most hostile environment even included bogus evidence in the form of biomorphs, or nano-sized silica grains that resemble small cells. There’s a concern that rovers landing on distant worlds might inadvertently fool researchers into believing the grains are proof of life. This doesn’t mean exobiologists should give up their hunt for life beyond […]

Gene editing tool could treat many diseases created by mutations

[ad_1] In lab testing, this had dramatic effects on progeria, a premature aging disease. Mice treated with SATI lived about 45 percent longer while seeing reduced aging effects. That would translate to over a decade for a human affected by the same condition. As is often the case with gene editing treatments, there’s still work […]

Scientists unveil 3D microscope that visualizes cells without damaging them

[ad_1] A new 3D microscope, called CX-A, can see the internal structure of cells down to the organelles with a resolution of less than 200nm. The microscope works like an MRI machine for cells, taking images from all angles which can be pieced together into a 3D image. The cell is illuminated by a rotating […]

Scientists store data inside molecules that drive your metabolism

[ad_1] The researchers have used this method to store images of an anchor, an Egyptian cat and an ibex. They could retrieve the data with about 99 percent accuracy. That’s not where you’d want it to be (imagine if one percent of your phone’s data was corrupt), but it certainly shows that the idea works. […]

Test tube embryo transfer may give near-extinct rhinos a second chance

[ad_1] It’s a positive sign, but there are concerns. Ultrasound exams showed that the test embryo is smaller than expected and isn’t guaranteed to lead to a successful birth. Scientists also have to wait for permission from Kenya to harvest the northern rhinos’ eggs. While the government backs the plan, it’s not certain how long […]