Category: bitcoin

Square will offer its new crypto employees payment in Bitcoin

[ad_1] #BitcoinTwitter and #CryptoTwitter! Square is hiring 3-4 crypto engineers and 1 designer to work full-time on open source contributions to the bitcoin/crypto ecosystem. Work from anywhere, report directly to me, and we can even pay you in bitcoin! Introducing @SqCrypto. Why? — jack (@jack) March 20, 2019 There has been no further information beyond […]

Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpeles cleared of embezzlement charges

[ad_1] When Karpeles claimed to have recovered a fourth of the 850,000 lost bitcoins, authorities questioned the accuracy of his statements. He was then indicted on a slew of charges — he’s been on trial for embezzlement since 2017 — with prosecutors calling for at least 10 years of jail time. Now, the Tokyo District […]

QuadrigaCX’s missing millions is the messiest Bitcoin saga yet

[ad_1] Those deposit holders and interested third parties began a forensic analysis of QuadrigaCX to determine what the hell was going on. It didn’t take long before several suspicious details began to shake loose, raising more questions than answers. Less than a month before he died, Cotten wrote a will assigning his fortune — including […]