Category: blizzardentertainment

Blizzard releases an ‘Overwatch’ soundtrack that covers all 21 maps

[ad_1] Rich, orchestral music is one of the hallmarks of Overwatch, and you can now listen to more of it outside of the game whenever you like. Blizzard has released a soundtrack album called Overwatch: Cities And Countries, which includes tunes linked to all of the core maps. Every time you load into a match, […]

The entire Overwatch League regular season will be online-only

[ad_1] After two seasons of OWL matches taking place almost exclusively at a studio in Los Angeles, Blizzard took the league on the road this year. Teams were to play matches at live homestands across North America, Europe and Asia. But coronavirus concerns affected those plans from the jump. The league postponed events that were […]

‘Overwatch’ will test weekly hero bans in competitive matches

[ad_1] Hero Pools will be in place for at least the next competitive season, which runs for two months starting in early March, and the design team will determine which heroes are available each week. Blizzard hopes Hero Pools will lead to players using a greater range of characters, though you’ll still be able to […]

Blizzard unveils ‘Overwatch 2’ at BlizzCon

[ad_1] The Overwatch team is introducing character leveling this time around. There’ll be unlockable abilities (or “talents”) for the hero missions and possibly story missions, but you won’t be able to customize hero abilities in player-vs.-player modes. You can expect to see several heroes join the ranks, including the long-rumored Sojourn. The current heroes will […]

‘Overwatch’ is reportedly coming to Nintendo Switch in October

[ad_1] Kotaku reportedly confirmed with sources the game will hit Switch next month. It suggested that version will drop in North America on October 15th — just in time for the annual Halloween event. We might get official confirmation on the port later today, as the latest Nintendo Direct stream will kick off at 6 […]

The next ‘Overwatch’ hero is yet another evil scientist

[ad_1] A somewhat disturbing origin video describes him as an “eccentric astrophysicist” who is “unaware he’s been turning into a living weapon.” In the clip, he describes how his goal was to unlock the secrets of the universe and that “if the unifying theories are correct, we will soon be able to harness the power […]

‘Overwatch’ healer Baptiste debuts on March 19th

[ad_1] Baptiste, whose full name is Jean-Baptiste Augustin, is an ex-Talon medic who has fled to Haiti. The captain of his former team, who is sent to capture or kill him, details the healer’s traits in a personal log released by Overwatch. “I know better than to underestimate Baptiste. I helped train him myself, and […]