Category: blockbuster

The last Blockbuster is hosting an Airbnb sleepover in September

[ad_1] “Our Blockbuster store is open because of the incredible local community in Bend, and we’ve been grateful to have the support of those beyond our town as the coronavirus pandemic has impacted our business,” she wrote on Airbnb. “To celebrate and pay it forward in this tradition of support, Airbnb will make a donation […]

After Math: It's the circle of tech

[ad_1] While most of us now need Buzzfeed quizzes about "things only '90s kids would recognize" to remember what a Blockbuster is, the franchise's inevitable demise is still something to be commemorated — if only by finally returning that VHS copy of Batma… [ad_2] Source link

There are only two Blockbusters left in the world, and one is closing

[ad_1] Australia’s last Blockbuster, located in the small suburb of Morley, was operated by Lyn and John Borszeky. The owners put up signs indicating the store would shut down last Friday, which resulted in an outpouring of nostalgia-driven support. While they held out for as long as they could, the arrival of Netflix and other […]