Category: brain

Looxid adapts its VR brain monitor for Oculus Rift S

[ad_1] The attachment sits just above the goggles of the Oculus Rift S, allowing the nine EEG electrodes to make contact with the user’s forehead. It looks like a natural fit — the video shows the user dodging some enemy fire in a VR game and the unit doesn’t wobble at all. The Oculus Rift […]

Hitting the Books: These brain cells could hold clues to the CTBI crisis

[ad_1] The Angel and the Assassin: The Tiny Brain Cell That Changed the Course of Medicineby Donna Jackson Nakazawa Whether you’ve just gotten your bell rung, your clock cleaned, or are simply seeing stars — congratulations, you’re likely concussed. When that happens, microglial cells, the human brain’s first line of immune defense, will set about […]

Google helps publish the largest high-res map of brain connectivity

[ad_1] Anyone can see and download the data, and there are papers both available and on the way detailing the work. The brain map won’t accomplish much by itself. However, it could prove to be a treasure trove of data for scientists looking to understand fruit flies in particular or brain functionality at large. With […]

Human patient put in suspended animation for the first time

[ad_1] The technique is officially called “emergency preservation and resuscitation” (EPR) and is being tested at the University of Maryland Medical Center on patients that arrive with acute trauma, such as a stab wound or gunshot. Given the nature of their injuries, these patients would normally have a survival rate of less than five percent. […]

AI can help doctors spot brain hemorrhages faster

[ad_1] The process relied on a convolutional neural network that pored over 4,396 CT scans. That’s a comparatively small number of samples, but the abnormalities were detailed “at the pixel level,” according to UCSF. In other words, they were far less likely to misinterpret noise and other errors as hemorrhages. The technique also had the […]

A mind-controlled exoskeleton helped a paralyzed man walk again

[ad_1] As part of a study with the University of Grenoble Alpes in France, the patient, who goes by Thibault, agreed to have two five-centimeter discs of his skull replaced with brain sensors, each with 64 electrodes. The researchers mapped Thibault’s brain to determine which areas become active when he thinks about walking or moving […]

MIT’s thread-like robot can slip through blood vessels in your brain

[ad_1] The team described the “magnetically steerable, hydrogel-coated robotic thread” in a paper published in Science Robotics. The core of the thread is made from nickel-titanium alloy, which is both bendy and springy. It’s coated with a rubbery paste, or ink, which is embedded with magnetic particles. That’s then covered with a hydrogel, which makes […]

AI could study your brain to help teachers improve their courses

[ad_1] The team started out by having rookie and intermediate engineering students both take standard tests as well as answer questions about pictures while sitting in an fMRI scanner. From there, they had the algorithm generate “neural scores” that could predict a student’s performance. The more certain parts of the brain lit up, the easier […]

Playing ‘Pokémon’ as a kid may have rewired your brain

[ad_1] Scientists already knew that humans have specific areas of the brain used to recognize faces, words, numbers and even celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Bill Clinton and Kobe Bryant. Those areas of the brain are often in the same place for large groups of people. A recent study by Harvard Medical School found that for […]

Implant turns brain signals into synthesized speech

[ad_1] The results aren’t flawless. Although the system accurately captures the distinctive sound of someone’s voice and is frequently easy to understand, there are times when the synthesizer produces garbled words. It’s still miles better than earlier approaches that didn’t try to replicate the vocal tract, though. Scientists are also testing denser electrodes on the […]