Category: brexit

The UK buys a 45 percent stake in broke satellite startup OneWeb

[ad_1] The government previously planned to build its own Galileo replacement with the help of other members of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance — Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US. The project was put on hold in May just before the publication of a feasibility study. The estimated cost had risen by then to […]

UK won’t implement EU’s contentious digital copyright law

[ad_1] Companies like Google also campaigned against Article 11, a segment that required news aggregators to pay for any quotes that went beyond very short excerpts. The decision against implementing the Copyright Directive will let internet giants carry on quoting larger sections of articles in news search results, much to the chagrin of some publishers. […]

Anti-Brexit RPG ‘Not Tonight’ is coming to Switch

[ad_1] Like the original, Not Tonight: Take Back Control Edition for Switch is set in an alternative version of Britain. Brexit talks have collapsed and an extreme right-wing government has seized power. The gig economy prevails, and you’re forced to work as a bouncer who turns away European citizens. You’re tasked with manning the door […]

Many of the Brexit Party’s Twitter followers appear to be bots

[ad_1] Some of these accounts have been producing massive volumes of tweets focused on Brexit, and clearly in unrealistic amounts. One tweeted 823 times in the space of a day. Some are new, while others are from outside the UK. Regardless of behavior, the surge of new followers for the party suggested “inorganic” behavior. Just […]