Category: cambridgeanalytica

Facebook will be liable for future Cambridge Analytica-style scandals

[ad_1] Under the updated terms and conditions, which Facebook confirmed to TechCrunch will apply worldwide, the company is also amending its policy on the limitation of liability. It “now acknowledges its responsibility in case of negligence, for instance in case data has been mishandled by third parties.” Essentially, it’s on the hook for any future […]

Facebook board member met Cambridge Analytica whistleblower in 2016

[ad_1] Andreessen stayed in touch with Wylie up until the story broke in March 2018, according to one of the sources. However, there was supposedly no “follow-up” to put Wylie’s information to work. Andreessen’s venture capital company, Andreessen Horowitz, has declined to answer questions. In a statement, Facebook said it wasn’t aware of the data […]