Category: cbp

Clearview AI leak names businesses using its facial recognition database

[ad_1] Thousands of public law enforcement agencies and private companies are named in the client logs including Best Buy and Macy’s, the Department of Justice including ICE, the CBP, Interpol, and the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, as well as a number of foreign states like the UAE. Facial recognition […]

Homeland Security doesn’t want Americans’ airport face scans after all

[ad_1] In a statement provided to Engadget, a CBP spokesperson said: “U.S. Customs and Border Protection is using biometric facial comparison technology to facilitate the entry and exit of international travelers while meeting the Congressional mandate to implement a biometric entry-exit system. U.S. citizens are out of scope of the mandated biometric entry-exit program. However, […]

Federal judge rules suspicionless device searches at the border are illegal

[ad_1] Casper also rejected the government’s claim that suspicionless searches would cause minimal harm, noting that agents could both look at past searches and were more likely to search people if there had already been a search before. The ACLU and EFF filed the lawsuit on behalf of 11 travelers (all but one of which […]

Harvard student deported based on friends’ social media posts

[ad_1] Ajjawi added that an officer asked him to unlock his laptop and phone for searches, and left with them for five hours before raising questions about the teen’s social media friends. He’s retaining a lawyer in hopes of reversing the visa decision. Unfortunately, this doesn’t appear to be completely unique. The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee […]

Air travelers entering US face long delays as CBP computers crash

[ad_1] Nationwide outage of US CBP computer systems. Easily 5,000+ passengers in line at Dulles. — Rebekah Tromble (@RebekahKTromble) August 16, 2019 According to officials at the JFK Airport in New York, the issue has impacted the processing system nationwide but airports have already begun to switch over to an older (albeit slower) backup. […]

Google employees don’t want it to work with US border agencies

[ad_1] Citing recent events such as the death of seven immigrant children while in US custody and the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, the petition argues Google should not work with CBP, nor the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). “We demand that Google publicly commit not to support […]

Hackers steal traveler photos and license plates from US Customs

[ad_1] A representative didn’t tell TechCrunch how much data had been taken, or how many American citizens were caught up in the breach. The agency said alerted Congress and said it was “closely monitoring” the subcontractor’s associated work. CBP said that none of the info had been spotted on either the dark web or the […]

border agents regularly perform ‘warrantless’ device searches

[ad_1] Agency policies let officers search devices for generic law enforcement purposes like investigating bankruptcies and consumer portection laws, the ACLU said. Officers can also search devices to collect data about someone else, such as a friend that might be an illegal immigrant or the foreign sources for a journalist. CBP and ICE can also […]