Category: censorship

China arrested former Huawei staff for talking about Iran deal online

[ad_1] Huawei flatly denies being under control of the Chinese government, but there’s little doubt that China is eager to defend its technological superstar — at least, with a little prodding. The New York Times has learned that Chinese police arrested five former Huawei employees in December 2018 over WeChat discussions of claims the company […]

China orders TikTok owner to pull work app that bypassed censors

[ad_1] TikTok owner ByteDance has been accused of censorship abroad, but it’s facing just the opposite claims in its home territory. China’s Cyberspace Administration has ordered ByteDance to temporarily pull its collaborative work app Feishu for roughly a month after learning that it allowed content from banned sites like Facebook and Twitter in its news […]

China, Huawei propose internet protocol with a built-in killswitch

[ad_1] There are also concerns that New IP would require authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses, but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent. China has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this potentially links people to the very internet connection itself. New IP should […]

TikTok will stop using China-based moderators to screen foreign content

[ad_1] The move to region-oriented moderators theoretically reduces the chances that TikTok will censor political statements and other content the Chinese government doesn’t like. It may also help with cultural understanding. While the existing moderators both speak the relevant languages and are familiar with the cultures they’re moderating, people from the areas under moderation might […]

‘Minecraft’ library helps you dodge news media censorship

[ad_1] You can also see details for the current state of press freedom in 180 countries. The library is a technical achievement in its own right. It resembles a giant neo-classical museum, complete with country-specific wings and huge book collections. You can’t tear the library apart, but you can add more if you have the […]

What happens if the internet’s most important law disappears?

[ad_1] Both Republicans and Democrats are suggesting that the protections this clause offers are too broad to be sustainable. The current administration already weakened it, carving out exceptions for adult content under the auspices of FOSTA/SESTA. Republican Senator Ted Cruz has either misspoken or misrepresented the law to encourage its removal. And senior representatives have […]

Wikipedia wins its battle against censorship in Turkey

[ad_1] Turkey censored Wikipedia in April 2017, leveraging a law that allows it to ban any website that is deemed a national security threat. Wikimedia, the site’s parent company, swiftly took action, but lost its push to reverse the court’s decision. The community-driven website has remained inaccessible to Turkish citizens ever since. The ruling was […]

Russia claims it has successfully tested its own internet

[ad_1] Countries like China, Iran and Saudi Arabia have already restricted what their citizens can access and how they can communicate with one another on the internet. Russia’s project — nicknamed Runet — presumably follows suit and lets the government filter content through its own censors. Runet “would get ISPs and telcos to configure the […]

China internet rules call for algorithms that recommend ‘positive’ content

[ad_1] The new rules are due to take effect on March 1st, and also call for tighter management of accounts, sign-ups, moderation and “rumors.” Governments have lately stepped up attempts to regulate algorithms, although China’s approach is very different than that from other countries. A recent US Senate bill aimed to eliminate bias in algorithms, […]

Canadian court issues first ever ISP order to block a piracy website

[ad_1] Many Canadian ISPs, including Bell, Rogers and Videotron, also function as cable providers and in some cases, broadcasters. Bell Canada, joined later by Rogers, started pushing Canada’s regulator, the CRTC, to create a blacklist of sites that let people download pirated TV shows and movies. All ISPs would then be required to block such […]