Category: China

US government warns China may have access to drone data

[ad_1] The alert reportedly cautions organizations involved in national security and critical functions that they must be “especially vigilant as they may be at greater risk of espionage.” If the alert has any merit, it could be serious, as in the US, drones are used for everything from law enforcement to first response missions and […]

Google reportedly suspends Huawei’s Android support after US ban

[ad_1] The company is still “internally” discussing which services are going away, the source said. Google would cut off all tech support and collaboration for Android and services, however. We’ve asked Google for comment. If accurate, though, the suspension would represent a serious blow to Huawei’s mobile efforts. Although this shouldn’t dent the company’s Chinese […]

After Math: Goodbye, Grumpy Cat, whoa oh oh

[ad_1] Terrible news, everyone! The internet's favorite maladjusted kitteh has gone to the Great Cat Tree in the sky after succumbing to a urinary tract infection earlier this week. She — yes, Grumpy Cat was a girl — will be missed. Likewise, Cray Superco… [ad_2] Source link

US may soften ban on Huawei to help existing users

[ad_1] Huawei would still face severe restrictions. It could buy US goods for maintenance, it couldn’t use those goods to create new products. A softened ban wouldn’t likely ease tensions between China and the US. Huawei has insisted that the de facto ban will create “significant economic harm” for Americans, and China has interpreted it […]

EU approves cyber-attack sanctions ahead of election

[ad_1] UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt in a statement called the move “decisive action” to deter future cyber attacks. “For too long now, hostile actors have been threatening the EU’s security through disrupting critical infrastructure, attempts to undermine democracy and stealing commercial secrets and money running to billions of Euros,” said Hunt. Russia and China […]

China’s rover finds mysterious minerals on the far side of the moon

[ad_1] Chang’e-4 intentionally landed inside the moon’s Von Kármán crater, one of the largest known impact structures in the solar system. As National Geographic points out, if scientists are going to find lunar mantle material anywhere, that’s a good place to look. In exploring the carter’s basin, Yutu-2 reportedly found two minerals: low-calcium (ortho)pyroxene and […]

Huawei says US ban is ‘in no one’s interest’

[ad_1] The statement from the major Chinese tech firm comes just one day after some sweeping changes issued by the Trump administration. Yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order declaring a national emergency to ban sales and use of telecommunications equipment from companies that pose “unacceptable” risks to national security. The President posited that “foreign […]

China is blocking Wikipedia in every language

[ad_1] It’s not certain exactly why China decided to block other languages, but the move comes just weeks before the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests, which culminated in a violent government crackdown. China typically blocks access to specific web pages referencing the tragedy, but it can’t do that on Wikipedia after the site […]

Trump declares ‘national emergency’ to make way for Huawei ban (updated)

[ad_1] The order tasked the Commerce Department with drafting enforcement plans within 150 days. All US government agencies were expected to take “all appropriate measures” to follow the order. While the emergency declaration doesn’t mention China by name, there’s no doubt that the country is the primary target. The US government has repeatedly deterred companies […]

US charges China-based hacking group for massive 2015 Anthem breach

[ad_1] Wang and Doe reportedly used “extremely sophisticated techniques,” including specially-tailored spear-phishing emails with embedded hyperlinks. When employees of the targeted businesses clicked the hyperlinks, a file downloaded and deployed malware, which created a backdoor to the computer systems. In some cases, the defendants waited months before taking further action. Then, they allegedly encrypted the […]