Category: christchurch

Australia orders ISPs to block sites hosting Christchurch shooting video

[ad_1] Reviews for the blocks will take place every six months. Officials maintain that this won’t lead to arbitrary censorship. There’s a “high threshold” and “parliamentary oversight” before blocking takes place, Inman said. Communications minister Paul Fletcher likewise said blocks didn’t represent a “universal solution.” This is specifically meant to combat material that’s illegal in […]

Canada reveals measures to tackle online extremism

[ad_1] Last month, the nation joined other countries and tech companies in adopting a pledge to eradicate online violent extremist and terrorist content in the wake of mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand. The shooter livestreamed the attack, and copies of the footage spread like wildfire. Meanwhile, Canada will host a youth summit to help […]

Christchurch shooting videos are still on Facebook over a month later

[ad_1] One variation had been around since the time of the attack. All of the videos Feinberg found were sitting on Arabic-language pages. Facebook has removed one of the videos as of this writing, and reiterated its plans to improve its filtering technology. It’s using audio recognition to spot clips that might otherwise evade filters, […]

Australian bill could imprison social network execs over violent content

[ad_1] Platform hosts would also have to notify Australia if they discover their service is streaming violent content taking place within the country. If they don’t, they could face fines up to $168,000 AUD for an individual and $840,000 AUD for a company. The new legislation would ultimately be similar to those requiring companies to […]

Facebook COO says it’s ‘exploring’ restrictions on who can go live

[ad_1] Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg took to the Instagram blog this evening saying “We have heard feedback that we must do more – and we agree.” Despite the lack of credibility big tech companies have when it comes to dealing with dangerous hate groups, the post’s title claims “We Can Win Against Hate.“ Specifically citing […]

Christchurch, we need more than digital-security theater

[ad_1] That’s why I thought that article might be good to share, to help people avoid the trauma of viewing videos like that. After all, these videos are injected without consent into our online spaces with the intent to harm us, and inspire further violence. There was one huge problem: The article’s instructions require you […]