Category: cia

Recommended Reading: The CIA-owned company that helped it spy on the world

[ad_1] The intelligence coup of the centuryGreg Miller,The Washington Post This in-depth report tells the story of Crypto AG, a Switzerland-based company that achieved success for its code-making machines during World War II. The company eventually became a popular manufacturer of encryption machines for countries around the world in the decades that followed. Governments trusted […]

The US is suing Edward Snowden over his memoir

[ad_1] The government also argues he violated NDAs by giving speeches on intelligence issues. As such, it’s seeking to recover all of Snowden’s earnings from the book. The US won’t try to hamper publication or distribution of Permanent Record, though — doing so would violate Snowden’s First Amendment rights. It might seem difficult, on the […]

How legendary hackers wound up working for the CIA

[ad_1] Cult of the Dead Cow: How the Original Hacking Supergroup Might Just Save the Worldby Joseph Menn The internet as we know it today would not exist but for the Cult of the Dead Cow. The cDc is among America’s oldest and most venerated hacking collectives. They invented hackivism, helped develop Tor, forced Microsoft […]

NSA contractor sentenced to nine years over theft of classified info

[ad_1] In 2016, federal agents arrested NSA contractor Harold Martin for stealing up to 50TB of classified information, and reports claimed that included offensive hacking technology designed to break into foreign computer networks. Sources for the data he took included the NSA, CIA and US Cyber Command over two decades between 1996 and 2016. On […]

The CIA is now on Instagram

[ad_1] Staged shots? Cheesy out-of-context quotes and props? Possible haircare sponcon? To the credit of America’s clandestine services, it obviously understands what Instagram is all about. According to CNET, the post also includes a few Easter eggs for CIA nerds, such as CIA Director Gina Haspel’s original agency badge and a notebook with the agency’s […]

CIA claims Huawei is funded by Chinese state security

[ad_1] A Huawei spokeperson declined to comment on the claims in a statement to The Times, saying they were “unsubstantiated allegations backed up by zero evidence from anonymous sources.” There have been reasons to be cautious. A UK oversight board pointed out potential security risks in Huawei’s equipment, such as an old operating system that […]