Category: cisa

FBI and CISA warn against surge in voice phishing campaigns

[ad_1] “The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a mass shift to working from home, resulting in increased use of corporate VPN and elimination of in-person verification, which can partially explain the success of this campaign. Prior to the pandemic, similar campaigns exclusively targeted telecommunications providers and internet service providers with these attacks but the focus […]

FBI accuses China of attempting to steal US COVID-19 research

[ad_1] Today, the FBI warned that China-backed hackers are attempting to steal COVID-19 research from organizations in the US. In a joint statement, the FBI and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced that they have observed state-backed hackers attempting to obtain intellectual property, data and research related to vaccines, treatments and testing. “The potential […]

Homeland Security wants you to update your Firefox browser right now

[ad_1] Mozilla is “aware of targeted attacks in the wild abusing this flaw.” In a statement provided to Engadget, a Mozilla spokesperson said, “on Tuesday, January 7, 2020, Chinese security firm Qihoo 360 reported a vulnerability that was used as part of targeted attacks on a local network. We started shipping Firefox updates to address […]

US officials brace for ransomware attacks against election systems

[ad_1] The prep includes education and recommendations as well as more immediate checks like remote penetration testing and vulnerability scans. It won’t, however, involve advice on whether or not state governments should pay ransoms. Homeland Security wants systems to be sufficiently airtight that they aren’t forced to make that choice, an unnamed official told Reuters. […]

US recommends Windows users patch against worm vulnerability

[ad_1] The BlueKeep vulnerability is “wormable”, meaning an attacker only has to gain access to one computer in order to gain control of all the other devices on its network. Microsoft already issued patches for the bug last month, but private security firm Errata estimated that millions of devices still remain vulnerable. While an attacker […]