Category: class action lawsuit

Facebook will pay content moderators $52 million in PTSD settlement

[ad_1] As part of the settlement, Facebook will make changes to its content moderation software. Audio will be muted by default and videos (which often include violent or otherwise harrowing footage) will be displayed in black and white. These changes will be in place for all moderators by 2021. Moderators will also have access to […]

It doesn’t matter if China hacked Equifax

[ad_1] It was a message of PR reprieve for the skinsuits at Equifax, who spend their life cycles profiting from tracking and trading our personal and financial information (and we’re powerless to stop them). Especially now as we’re seeing reports about how four Chinese hackers “took down Equifax.” That sure sounds a lot better (for […]

Apple loses bid to stop class action lawsuit over MacBook keyboards

[ad_1] The lawsuit covers many Apple laptops with butterfly keyboards, starting with the original 12-inch MacBook from 2015 and including MacBook Pro models produced in 2016 or later. We’ve asked Apple for comment. It might face an uphill battle in court, however. While the company has never said the butterfly keyboard design was inherently flawed, […]

Appeals court allows Facebook facial recognition lawsuit to proceed

[ad_1] The court “concluded that the development of a face template using facial-recognition technology without consent (as alleged in this case) invades an individual’s private affairs and concrete interests.” Judge Sandra Ikuta wrote in an opinion that “the facial-recognition technology at issue here can obtain information that is ‘detailed, encyclopedic, and effortlessly compiled,’ which would […]