Category: column

After Math: Stand and Delivery

[ad_1] Because who doesn’t want to drive their own electric chariot? Uniti’s upcoming EV puts the driver front and center, not unlike a McLaren F1, with a pair of passengers (or a load of groceries if you fold down the back seats) riding double-barrel shotgun in a sleek city-rated runabout. Ang Lee has a fair […]

After Math: When your goose cooks

[ad_1] Elon Musk is having another rough week (man, I seem to say that a lot). First, it turned out that the American private eye he hired to dig up dirt on the guy he called a pedophile was actually a conman from the UK. Then the National Highway Transportation Safety Board dinged his company […]

Teaching AI to sing slime mold serenades

[ad_1] The Artist in the Machine: The World of AI-Powered Creativityby Arthur I. Miller Most of the time when we hear about AI, they’re taking our jobs or putting us in jail or inflicting some other autonomic horror upon humans. But there’s a second side to that AI coin. One in which machine learning algorithms […]

Being better than being best

[ad_1] Google is putting its sizeable pocketbook where its mouth is, announcing this week that it would invest a whopping $2 billion (.006 percent of its net worth) in renewable energy infrastructure throughout the US, South America and Europe. You know, the thing governments are supposed to be in charge of, at least when they’re […]

‘Dirty bomb’ fears spawned America’s nuclear spy force

[ad_1] The Bastard Brigade: The True Story of the Renegade Scientists and Spies Who Sabotaged the Nazi Atomic Bombby Sam Kean World War II could have ended disastrously for the Allies had the Axis powers managed a breakthrough in fission technology before they did. With every nation subjugated by the Nazi war machine, the fascist […]

Stop pranking your kids to impress Jimmy Kimmel

[ad_1] Sharenthood: Why We Should Think before We Talk about Our Kids Onlineby Leah A Plunkett Parents have been proudly posting pictures of their children’s development since the days of the derragotype, probably even before then if they could draw fast enough. But in the modern digital era — where Grandma and Grandpa are a […]

After Math: More, more, mooooooore

[ad_1] You know who’s going to need some more, more, mooooooore Beyond Meat deliveries? KFC. The fried chicken chain made headlines this week when ravenous hordes of vegetarians descended upon one Atlanta franchise to try the company’s new chickenless nuggets, locusting through the stock of very-nearly-poultry in just a few hours. Android users can rest […]