Category: column

An army of temps put a man on the moon

[ad_1] Ghost Work: How to Stop Silicon Valley from Building a New Global Underclassby Mary L. Gray and Siddharth Suri Our celebrated “titans of technology” — the Zuckerbergs, Dorseys, Pages and Brins — achieved their lofty positions with the help of countless contract workers. The internet wouldn’t, simply couldn’t, function as it does today without […]

After Math: Goodbye, Grumpy Cat, whoa oh oh

[ad_1] Terrible news, everyone! The internet's favorite maladjusted kitteh has gone to the Great Cat Tree in the sky after succumbing to a urinary tract infection earlier this week. She — yes, Grumpy Cat was a girl — will be missed. Likewise, Cray Superco… [ad_2] Source link

After Math: Break them up

[ad_1] Riot Games staff walk out after sexism lawsuits result in forced arbitration Riot Games’ staff took a break from the gaming industry’s famously tight production deadlines this week to protest one of their employer’s other inhuman policies: forced arbitration in sexual discrimination cases. The end of Works With Nest could be trouble for smart […]

Autonomous cars will do more than drive you around

[ad_1] Robot, Take the Wheel: The Road to Autonomous Cars and the Lost Art of Drivingby Jason Torchinsky Our self-driving future is coming, whether we’re ready for it or not. With everybody from Apple to Uber scrambling to earn a piece of the self-driving pie, it’s only a matter of time before our roads and […]

When better living through technology isn’t enough

[ad_1] Hacking Life: Systematized Living and Its Discontentsby Joseph M. Reagle, Jr. Modern tech culture has long been enamored with the mythos of the lone genius achieving superhuman status (a la The Matrix). Whether it’s Jack Dorsey’s self flagellating dietary restrictions, Peter Thiel’s obsession with “young blood” transfusions, or Tim Ferris’ outright maniacal 4-hour self […]

How calculus is helping unravel DNA’s secrets

[ad_1] Infinite Powersby Steven Strogatz Calculus has provided humanity a window into the inner workings of the world around us since the fateful day Isaac Newton got conked by a falling apple. But we’ve only ever really applied these mathematical tools to our “hard” sciences, like physics or chemistry. Heck, we probably wouldn’t have discovered […]