Category: congress

DoJ asks Congress to limit protections for social media companies

[ad_1] Politicians have been poking at Section 230 for months. The DoJ doesn’t typically weigh in on legislation, but now, Barr is asking Congress to roll back critical aspects of Section 230. Not only is that unusual, it could add to speculation that some politicians are attempting to “bully tech companies into political submission,” as […]

Rep. Matt Gaetz says Mark Zuckerberg lied to Congress … in 2018

[ad_1] Citing Zuckerberg’s 2018 testimony, Gaetz says that Zuckerberg lied to Congress when he described Facebook as “politically neutral.” He said that a recent report from Project Veritas, the right-wing activist group known for dubious “undercover” investigations, proves the social network unfairly censors conservatives. Project Veritas has a history of hidden camera “stings” that use […]

Big tech antitrust hearing with Apple and Google rescheduled to July 29th

[ad_1] The House Judiciary Committee’s big tech antitrust hearing has a new date after a delay to honor the late Rep. John Lewis. In the wake of an Axios report, the committee has confirmed that the hearing has been rescheduled to July 29th at 12PM Eastern. You’ll likely still find a livestream of the hearing […]

Senate bill aims to boost accountability for Section 230 without gutting it

[ad_1] Greater accountability would come by requiring a “defined complaint system” that handles reports and alerts users to moderation actions within two weeks while providing an appeals process. Companies would have 24 hours to remove any content deemed illegal, although smaller outlets would have more leeway for responding to requests and user complaints. The bill […]

House wants four ‘big tech’ CEOs to testify in competition probe

[ad_1] A House investigation into tech competition may have testimony from some of the biggest names in the industry — if they agree, at least. Axios understands the Judiciary Committee has asked Apple, Alphabet, Amazon and Facebook to say if their CEOs will testify for the antitrust probe in July. The companies reportedly have until […]

Amazon won’t commit to Jeff Bezos testimony over misuse of seller data

[ad_1] Congress might want Jeff Bezos to testify over alleged abuses of seller data, but Amazon isn’t exactly leaping at the opportunity. The company has responded (via Reuters) to a House Judiciary Committee letter asking for Bezos’ testimony by saying it would “make the appropriate executive available” to answer questions. That’s not a refusal, but […]

US lawmakers ask Jeff Bezos to testify about Amazon’s alleged data abuse

[ad_1] “If the reporting in the Wall Street Journal article is accurate, then statements Amazon made to the Committee about the company’s business practices appear to be misleading, and possibly criminally false or perjurious,” the letter says. “If these allegations are true, then Amazon exploited its role as the largest online marketplace in the U.S. […]

Boeing employees called designers of flawed Max 737 jets ‘clowns’

[ad_1] So far, the investigations indicate that the 737 Max’s Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System is the main culprit in the crashes. This software manipulates the plane’s hardware to give the pilot a particular feel when adjusting pitch. While designing the plane, Boeing made frequent changes to the code but did not adequately explain these adjustments […]

Bipartisan bill would give parents more power to protect their kids online

[ad_1] If Congress enacts the bill, online services, websites and apps will need to give parents the ability to delete any personal information related to their children. That’s a power that COPPA, in its current form, doesn’t provide parents. The legislation also aims to raise the age at which companies can collect data from an […]

Congress worries sale of .org could harm non-profits

[ad_1] Control over the .org internet domain is close to changing hands, and American politicians aren't happy. Senators Richard Blumenthal, Elizabeth Warren and Ron Wyden have joined Rep. Anna Eshoo in sending a letter demanding answers over the Internet… [ad_2] Source link