Category: content moderation

DoJ asks Congress to limit protections for social media companies

[ad_1] Politicians have been poking at Section 230 for months. The DoJ doesn’t typically weigh in on legislation, but now, Barr is asking Congress to roll back critical aspects of Section 230. Not only is that unusual, it could add to speculation that some politicians are attempting to “bully tech companies into political submission,” as […]

Facebook is reportedly testing a ‘virality circuit breaker’ to stop misinformation

[ad_1] Facebook does share info about viral news articles with its fact-checking partners, but CAP suggests that Facebook’s own team take a look at especially viral content. That makes a lot of sense, and you might wonder why Facebook hasn’t had a virality circuit breaker all along. The pandemic and misinformation around COVID-19 have highlighted […]

YouTube blames bug for censoring comments on China’s ruling party

[ad_1] One of the phrases YouTube is censoring is “五毛 (wumao),” which roughly translates to “50-cent party,” a derogatory term aimed at online censors who the Chinese government pays to direct conversations away from criticism of the ruling party. According to The Verge, what YouTube isn’t doing is deleting the English translations of those phrases nor their Romanized […]

Facebook will pay content moderators $52 million in PTSD settlement

[ad_1] As part of the settlement, Facebook will make changes to its content moderation software. Audio will be muted by default and videos (which often include violent or otherwise harrowing footage) will be displayed in black and white. These changes will be in place for all moderators by 2021. Moderators will also have access to […]

TikTok names experts who will help shape its content policies

[ad_1] What’s not clear is just how much influence this advisory council will ultimately have, or if their involvement will help diffuse criticism of the app, which is owned by Chinese company ByteDance. As TikTok’s popularity in the US has skyrocketed, the app has been accused of censoring content critical of the Chinese government. TikTok […]

Facebook was granted a patent to silo group posts

[ad_1] But a closer look at the patent’s claims seems to describe a feature that’s specifically meant to help admins and moderators of Facebook pages and groups cut down on offensive content, rather than a site-wide move towards censorship on the down-low. The method outlined in the patent seems geared towards “proscribed content,” or posts […]