Category: cornell university

Cornell’s VibroSense makes appliances ‘smart’ by tracking their vibrations

[ad_1] VibroSense’s creators see their creation as a tool to help people monitor energy usage in their homes, allowing them to reduce potentially wasteful consumption. VibroSense also promises to make your home “smart” without investing in new appliances or individual sensors for your existing ones. They say you could also use it to reduce water […]

Cornell University’s laser-activated robot is smaller than a paramecium

[ad_1] The robots themselves are only 5 microns thick, 40 microns wide and between 40 and 70 microns long, depending on the design. The brain and body consist of a silicon photovoltaic circuit while the legs are made from a quartet of electrochemical actuators. “In the context of the robot’s brains, there’s a sense in […]

Wrist-mounted wearable tracks your hand in 3D using thermal sensors

[ad_1] The scientists who created the device say it’s the first such system to look at the contours of the wrist. Also noteworthy here is the use of thermal imaging. Previous research in the area focused almost exclusively on traditional cameras, often to less than spectacular results. Prototypes developed by scientists in the past were […]

Intel’s neuromorphic chip learns to ‘smell’ 10 hazardous chemicals

[ad_1] Using Intel’s Loihi, a neuromorphic chip, the team designed an algorithm based on the brain’s olfactory circuit. When you take a whiff of something, molecules stimulate olfactory cells in your nose. Those cells send signals to the brain’s olfactory system, which then fires off electrical pulses. The researchers were able to mimic that circuitry […]

Researchers create bone-inspired 3D-printed building materials

[ad_1] “Bone is a building,” says Purdue University professor Pablo Zavattieri. “It has these columns that carry most of the load and beams connecting the columns. We can learn from these materials to create more robust 3D-printed materials for buildings and other structures.” The researchers discovered that the “beams” in bones provide more stiffness and […]

Tipping point: The gig economy hits delivery drivers in their wallets

[ad_1] The US Bureau of Labor Statistics defines those providing their labor in the gig economy as “independent workers.” Their jobs range from day labor, seasonal workers, substitute teachers, or “Intermediate contractors who are self-employed but connect with clients through an online marketplace or other intermediary, which include drivers hired via peer-to-peer ridesharing apps.” Virtually […]