Category: crispr

FDA approves a rapid COVID-19 test that uses CRISPR

[ad_1] “Sherlock enables rapid identification of a single alteration in a DNA or RNA sequence in a single molecule,” said Sherlock Biosciences co-founder David Walt. “That precision, coupled with its capability to be deployed to multiplex over 100 targets or as a simple point-of-care system, will make it a critical addition to the arsenal of […]

Scientist who edited babies’ genes sentenced to three years in prison

[ad_1] He will also pay a 3 million yuan ($429,000) fine and be banned from reproductive medicine for life. His co-workers, Zhang Renli and Qin Jinzhou, will also receive prison terms of two years and 18 months, respectively, on top of fines and bans. There were a total of ten authors on the scientific paper […]

Recommended Reading: A year later, the CRISPR babies are still a mystery

[ad_1] Why the paper on the CRISPR babies stayed secret for so longAntonio Regalado,MIT Technology Review A year has passed since Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui presented work on editing the DNA of two girls while they were still embryos. Ethical issues with his actions abound, and even after all this time, there’s still missing details […]

Gene editing tool could treat many diseases created by mutations

[ad_1] In lab testing, this had dramatic effects on progeria, a premature aging disease. Mice treated with SATI lived about 45 percent longer while seeing reduced aging effects. That would translate to over a decade for a human affected by the same condition. As is often the case with gene editing treatments, there’s still work […]

CRISPR gene editing has been used on humans in the US

[ad_1] It’s not certain how effective the treatment has been, and you won’t find out for a while when the trial has been cleared to treat a total of 18 patients. You won’t hear more about it until there’s been a presentation or a peer-reviewed paper, the university said. Other trials, such as ones for […]