Category: cubesat

Watch Rocket Lab launch a Canon satellite into space at 5:19PM ET

[ad_1] Public fireworks shows may be in short supply this weekend due to the pandemic, but Rocket Lab is ready to fill the gap. It’s planning to launch its 13th mission, “Pics Or It Didn’t Happen,” from a complex on New Zealand’s Mahia Peninsula at 5:19PM Eastern with a livestream (below) available 15 minutes before […]

Rocket Lab will launch a NASA cubesat to the Moon

[ad_1] The tiny satellite (it weighs just 55lbs) will first conduct a navigation demo with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, but it’s ultimately meant to be a “pathfinder” that will help the Artemis program’s Gateway spacecraft safely approach the Moon. This deal isn’t surprising given the current NASA administration’s privatization efforts. At the same time, it […]

Virgin Orbit plans to send cubesats to Mars as early as 2022

[ad_1] Virgin Orbit is a spinoff of Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic and is dedicated to low-cost smallsat projects. This new Virgin Orbit endeavor was reportedly inspired by NASA’s recent InSight mission, which successfully sent two cubesats to Mars. Now, the company believes it can send its own similar spacecraft (as light as 110 pounds) into […]

NASA’s latest cubesat candidates include a solar sail test

[ad_1] The 16 chosen projects are: Star-Planet Activity Research CubeSat (SPARCS) from Arizona State University. It will monitor the solar flares and activities of red dwarfs to assess the habitability of their planets. BeaverCube from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was designed so that high school students can learn to design CubeSats and study […]