Category: Cyberattack

Sites stealing iPhone data reportedly targeted Uyghur Muslims

[ad_1] It’s not certain if the sites also targeted Android users, although Forbes sources said Android and Windows users were also under the crosshairs. China has used a number of tactics to compromise phones and crack down on Uyghur Muslims. Border guards have reportedly been installing surveillance apps on the Android phones of tourists entering […]

US officials brace for ransomware attacks against election systems

[ad_1] The prep includes education and recommendations as well as more immediate checks like remote penetration testing and vulnerability scans. It won’t, however, involve advice on whether or not state governments should pay ransoms. Homeland Security wants systems to be sufficiently airtight that they aren’t forced to make that choice, an unnamed official told Reuters. […]

Ransomware attack in Texas targets local government agencies

[ad_1] Texas hasn’t named the institutions so far due to “security concerns.” Security teams hadn’t identified the culprits. However, the evidence to date pointed to a “single threat actor” attacking all these entities at once. Ransomware attacks usually come from criminal organizations hoping to make a quick profit, although there have been reported instances of […]

Government hackers reportedly broke into Russian search company Yandex

[ad_1] In the fall of 2018, the hackers deployed a type of malware called Reign, which is linked to “Five Eyes,” an intelligence-sharing alliance comprised of the US, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. It’s unclear which of those countries might be behind the breach, though. A Yandex spokesperson told Reuters that the hack was […]

EA patched Origin security flaws that put millions of users at risk

[ad_1] The vulnerabilities took advantage of abandoned subdomains, EA Games’ use of authentication tokens and single sign-on and TRUST mechanisms built into the user login process. Had an attack been carried out, it could have been devastating, given that EA is the world’s second largest gaming company and millions of user accounts would have been […]

US cyberattack reportedly knocked out Iran missile control systems

[ad_1] It’s uncertain how Iran reacted to the apparent attack. Officials have declined to comment, with Cyber Command noting that it doesn’t want to jeopardize its operations by discussing its online efforts. The report comes days after word of the US planting offensive malware in Russia’s power grid, however, and not much longer after national […]

Baltimore ransomware attack will cost the city over $18 million

[ad_1] On May 7th, the city’s government computer systems were infected with aggressive ransomware called RobbinHood which encrypted hard drive data to prevent access. Each computer affected by the attack demanded a payment of 13 bitcoin (over $75,000) for users to regain access to their files. Gizmodo reports that the FBI specifically advised the city […]

Ransomware attacks in US cities are using a stolen NSA tool

[ad_1] Microsoft has issued fixes for affected Windows version after the NSA disclosed the long-secret vulnerabilities. However, these attacks frequently succeed due to fragmented local governments that tend to be cautious about upgrades. In addition to using a mishmash of software and configurations that complicates updates, cities may be hesitant to patch or upgrade their […]

Israel is the first to respond to a cyberattack with immediate force

[ad_1] The Israeli military believed the strike represented a decisive blow, claiming that “Hamas has no cyber operational capabilities” after their building was destroyed. The airstrike wasn’t completely surprising when Israel has been responding to hundreds of rocket attacks from Gaza militants over the past few days. It’s in the midst of an active conflict […]

Iranian hackers stole terabytes of data from software giant Citrix

[ad_1] Resecurity understood that hackers from Iridium, an Iran-linked group, stole data in December 2018 and again on March 4th. They made off with at least 6TB of documents and as much as 10TB, and they seemed to be focused on project data for the aerospace industry, the FBI, NASA and Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil […]